Showing posts with label Restaurant. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Restaurant. Show all posts

10 Restoran Terbaik dan Favorit di Ubud Bali

Roxuai @ 10 Restoran Terbaik dan Favorit di Ubud Bali

Ubud telah dengan cepat menjadi salah satu tempat terbaik untuk wisata kuliner di Bali. Ubud menawarkan berbagai pilihan restoran, dari tempat-tempat yang murah yang menyajikan masakan lokal dengan rasa yang mengagumkan sampai restoran mewah dengan makanan-makanan yang menakjubkan. Selalu ada restoran baru setiap bulan, dan mungkin akan terus bertambah. Bukankah ini menjadi sangat menyenangkan begitu mudah mendapatkan restoran atau tempat makan favorit di Ubud Bali.

Masakan Bali biasanya sangat mengejutkan dan benar-benar lezat, tetapi di Ubud juga terdapat beberapa jenis makanan barat cepat saji  seperti pizza, pasta, tex-mex, bahkan ikan dan kentang goreng. Disana kita juga dengan mudah dapat menemukan kelezatan sate, babi, ikan panggang dan sayuran lokal yang semuanya disajikan dengan mengagumkan. Tentu menjadi hal yang sangat menyenangkan melakukan wisata kuliner di Ubud Bali.

10 Restoran Terbaik dan Favorit di Ubud Bali

Kira-kira dimana restoran atau tempat makan favorit di Ubud bali yang paling seru dan menyenangkan untuk di kunjungi?. Berikut akan aku coba kupas beberapa di antaranya.

#1. Warung Ibu Oka : Ubud Bali

Meski lokasinya agak terselip namun restoran ini adalah yang paling ramai dan salah satu restoran terbaik di Ubud Bali. Warung Ibu Oka shanty  adalah restoran lokal Ubud Bali yang dengan ajaib bisa menarik perhatian pecinta kuliner dari seluruh dunia. Menu utama yang terbaik dan paling favorit adalah Babi guling atau babi panggang, yeap this is it ^^", itulah yang membuat semua orang datang  ke sana untuk berpesta.

Restoran mulai buka sekitar jam 10:30 pagi.  Babi terbaik di restoran ini disajikan dalam potongan besar dalam mangkuk rotan dengan nasi, usus goreng, sayuran pedas dan tentu saja tidak boleh dilupakan cita rasa terbaik saus kas Ibu Oka. Daging babi luar biasa lezat adalah yang terbaik yang bisa kalian temui di Ubud Bali.

Warung Ibu Oka merupakan tempat terbaik dan paling favorit untuk dikunjungi di Ubud Bali. Warung Ibu Oka merupakan salah satu dari 10 Restoran Tempat Makan Favorit di Ubud Bali

Contact : Jalan Tegal, +62 (0)361 976435
Ibu Oka 10 Restoran Tempat Makan Favorit di Ubud Bali
10 Restoran Terbaik dan Favorit di Ubud Bali - Babi guling Ibu Oka Shanty

#2. Puteri Minang  : Ubud Bali

Menyajikan masakan Padang. Cocok untuk para muslim pencinta kuliner karena makanan yang disajikan halal, tanpa daging babi tentunya. Restoran ini tentu saja sangat populer di Bali. Puteri Minang memiliki  kualitas terbaik dan banyak pilihan masakan khas Padang yang cukup menggoda  untuk para petualang kuliner. Disana ada udang sambal, ikan kari, goreng belut, rendang pedas (sapi kelapa), ditambah belasan masakan vegetarian seperti terong , okra, nangka, tempe goreng dan lainnya. Putri Minanng merupakan salah satu tempat makan yang wajib untuk dikunjungi di Ubud Bali.

Restoran Puteri Minang merupakan tempat terbaik dan paling favorit untuk dikunjungi di Ubud Bali. Restoran Puteri Minang merupakan salah satu dari 10 Restoran Tempat Makan Favorit di Ubud Bali

Contact : Jalan Raya Ubud 77,+62 (0)361 975577
putri minang 10 Restoran Tempat Makan Favorit di Ubud Bali
10 Restoran Terbaik dan Favorit di Ubud Bali - Putri minang

#3. Bebek Bengil : Ubud Bali

Bebek bengil mungkin kalau diistilahkan dalam bahasa kerennya para bule adalah "Dirty Duck Diner". Sulit untuk membayangkan betapa indahnya restoran disana. Tempat santai untuk menikmati hidangan yang paling terkenal di Bali, bebek tutu (bebek asap). Seluruh menu disini hampir seluruhnya terbuat dari bebek. Ada  bebek goreng , bebek saus cabai, bebek nasi goreng . Khusus untuk bebek tutu, harus dipesan 24 jam sebelumnya, Munfkin karena lumayan lama proses pembuatannya.  Bebek disiram bumbu Bali dan dibungkus dengan daun sirih, perlahan-lahan diasapi selama satu hari. Biasanya disajikan dengan nasi, sate dan sayuran. Dsana terdapat sebuah bangunan restoran utama, tapi lebih menyenangkan untuk memesan salah satu pondoks bambu tradisional, disana kita bisa menikmati makanan sambil melihat hijaunya sawah. Bebek Bengil adalah tempat makan favorit yang tidak boleh untuk dilewatkan selama berada di Ubud.

Bebek Bengil merupakan tempat terbaik dan paling favorit untuk dikunjungi di Ubud Bali. Bebek Bengil merupakan salah satu dari 10 Restoran Tempat Makan Favorit di Ubud Bali

Contact : Jalan Hanoman, +62 361 975489
bebek bengil  10 Restoran Tempat Makan Favorit di Ubud Bali
10 Restoran Terbaik dan Favorit di Ubud Bali - Bebek bengil

#4. Lotus Cafe : Ubud Bali

Meskipun kafe Lotus telah membuka restoran diseluruh pulauBali, tentunya tidak dapat dibandingkan dengan yang ada dilokasi asli. Kafe ini dibuat pada tahun 1982 sebagai tempat pertemuan bohemian untuk para seniman lokal dan para backpackers. Harga tentu sudah naik secara signifikan sejak saat itu, tapi ini tetap menjadi salah satu tempat paling menyenangkan dan indah di Ubud untuk makan malam. Kafe terlihat diatas sebuah kolam teratai besar berbatasan dengan pohon-pohon berbunga tinggi, dan lebih dari itu adalah Pura Saraswati, yang pada malam hari menjadi hidup dengan pertunjukan tarian Bali.

Lotus Cafe merupakan tempat terbaik dan paling favorit untuk dikunjungi di Ubud Bali. Lotus Cafe merupakan salah satu dari 10 Restoran Tempat Makan Favorit di Ubud Bali

Contact :  Jalan Raya Ubud, +62 (0) 361 975660,
lotus cafe 10 Restoran Tempat Makan Favorit di Ubud Bali
10 Restoran Terbaik dan Favorit di Ubud Bali - Makanan di lotus cafe

#5. Ibu Rai : Ubud Bali

Meskipun restoran ini telah sekitar untuk waktu yang lama, masakan telah berubah selama bertahun-tahun, dan hari ini makan di Ibu Rai penuh kejutan, dengan hidangan yang berbaur Asia, Eropa dan Pasifik. Pada menu utama terdapat salad daging sapi kelapa Thailand pedas atau ayam bali dengan salad alpukad.Ada juga  udang tumis dengan bawang putih. Ini adalah salah tempat paling menyenangkan untuk dikunjungi selama berada di Ubud Bali.

Restoran Ibu Rai merupakan tempat terbaik dan paling favorit untuk dikunjungi di Ubud Bali. Restoran Ibu Rai merupakan salah satu dari 10 Restoran Tempat Makan Favorit di Ubud Bali

Monkey Forest Road, +62 (0)361 973472,
Restoran favorit di ubud bali
10 Restoran Terbaik dan Favorit di Ubud  - Restoran Ibu Rai

#6. Warung Rai Pasti : Ubud Bali

Jika kesana cobalah untuk mendapatkan salah satu meja dibelakang warung. Disana terdapat pemandangan yang menakjubkan diatas sawah. Rai Pasti dulunya dikenal sebagai penjahit terbaik Ubud, dan dia telah berubah tempat menjadi sebuah kafe yang murah dan ceria. Ini adalah tempat untuk mencoba makanan klasik Bali yang sederhana, seperti soto ayam (mie kaldu ayam), pepes ikan (ikan dengan bumbu dikukus dalam daun pisang), dan tempe goreng (dengan saus sambal manis). Anda akan melihat babi guling pada menu juga Jangan lewatkan untuk mengunjungi tempat makan yang mengagumkan ini.

Warung Rai pasti merupakan tempat terbaik dan paling favorit untuk dikunjungi di Ubud Bali. Warung Rai Pasti merupakan salah satu dari 10 Restoran Tempat Makan Favorit di Ubud Bali

Monkey Forest Road, +62 (0) 361 970908
warung rai pasti 10 Restoran Tempat Makan Favorit di Ubud Bali
10 Restoran Terbaik dan Favorit di Ubud - Warung rai pasti

#7. Naughty Nuri's Warung and Grill : Ubud Bali

Mengemudi disepanjang Jalan Raya Ubud. Anda dapat melihat kepulan asap dan mencium aroma tak tertahankan barbekyu jauh sebelum tiba di  Naughty Nuri's Warung and Grill. Ini adalah tempat nongkrong favorit para expat yang ada di Bali. Menyajikan iga panggang domba dan babi terbaik dan ada juga tuna segar. BBQ di  Naughty Nuri's Warung and Grill adalah salah satu tempat makan yang tidak boleh dilewatkan saat di Ubud Bali.

Naughty Nuri's Warung and Grill merupakan tempat terbaik dan paling favorit untuk dikunjungi di Ubud Bali.  Naughty Nuri's Warung and Grill  merupakan salah satu dari 10 Restoran Tempat Makan Favorit di Ubud Bali

• Jalan Raya Sanggingan, tel: +62 (0) 361 977547
 BBQ di Naughty Nuri's Warung and Grill
10 Restoran Terbaik dan Favorit di Ubud  -  BBQ di Naughty Nuri's Warung and Grill

#8. Warung Nasi Betutu : Ubud Bali

Jika mengunjungi pasar Ubud maka semua yang pertama kali terlihat adalah tokodijalan utama yang menjual seni dan kerajinan Bali. Tapi turun diruang bawah adalah pasar kuliner yang akan memberikan petualangan menyenangkan bagi para pencinta kuliner. Tempat ini lumayan remang-remang, dengan  pengaturan sinar matahari yang sesekali menerobos masuk, dan selalu ada kerumunan pekerja pasar dan pembeli disekitar Wauring Nasi Be Tutu. Menu disini sedikit terbatas tapi sangat lezat. Ada bebek panggang sederhana, ayam dan babi sate disiram dengan saus kacang pedas, dan soto ayam.

Warung Nasi Betutu pasti merupakan tempat terbaik dan paling favorit untuk dikunjungi di Ubud Bali. Warung Nasi Betutu merupakan salah satu dari 10 Restoran Tempat Makan Favorit di Ubud Bali

Contact :  Pasar Ubud, Jalan Raya
ayam betutu makanan favorit di bali
10 Restoran Terbaik dan Favorit di Ubud Bali - Ayam Betutu

#9. Lamak : Ubud Bali

Lamak adalah restoran yang funky yang bisa Anda temukan di Bali,. Anda bisa duduk diluar ditaman tropis yang rimbun, memandang dapur terbuka yang ramai, atau dimeja romantis dilantai atas di salah satu dari beberapa ruang makan ber-AC. Menu sangat memikat dengan hidangan seperti roti manis dengan asparagus crusted, saus yang menyengat hati. Ayam dengan saus cranberry, dan seafood bakar khas Bali Lamak adalah salah satu tempat makan favorit untuk dikunjungi di Ubud

Lamak merupakan tempat terbaik dan paling favorit untuk dikunjungi di Ubud . Lamak merupakan salah satu dari 10 Restoran Tempat Makan Favorit di Ubud Bali

Contact :  Monkey Forest Road, +62 (0) 361 973482,
Lamak ubud bali restoran favorit di Ubud
10 Restoran Terbaik dan Favorit di Ubud Bali - Lamak Ubud bali

#10. Mozaic : Ubud Bali

Disini pengunjung disajikan dengan beberapa pilihan yang menggoda untuk mencicipi menu yang selalu berubah setiap hari. Meski dari segi harga lumayan sedikit lebih tinggi dibanding lainnya di Ubud Bali tetapi pelayanan restoran ini memang sesuai dengan apa yang ditawarkan. Tidak mengecewakan jika Anda termasuk penggemar kuliner kelas tinggi. Masakan dari berbagai negara dengan nuansa mewah yang diberikan disana cocok dengan apa yang Anda harapkan. Mozaic menjadi penutup di 10 restoran tempat makan favorit di Ubud Bali.

Mozaic pasti merupakan tempat terbaik dan paling favorit untuk dikunjungi di Ubud Bali. Mozaic merupakan salah satu dari 10 Restoran Tempat Makan Favorit di Ubud

Contact :  Jalan Raya Sanggingan, tel: +62 (0) 361 975768,

Mozaic tempat makan favorit di Ubud Bali
10 Restoran Terbaik dan Favorit di Ubud  - Mozaic

Bubba Gump Shrimp Co Kuta Bali

Roxuai @ Bubba Gump Shrimp Co Kuta Bali

The concept of the restaurant, besides the shrimp of coz, the movie forest gump itself! They even show the movie at the restaurant. The first thing you see when you past it is a big cabinet giving you displays of the food, of course the food isnt real its plastic, but they give you a display of some of the food you get so you know what you are eating which is a good idea. Plus you also see the big shrimps at the front on both sides of the entrance. When you walk in its like a tour you go through these little like walk ways with all information about the movie called Forest Gump which that is why the restaurant is named after the movie, so it gives you some infomation that maybe you never new before.

There's a 4 types of food that made with shrimp which is, fried shrimp ( like tempura ? ;p ), popcorn shrimp, shrimp in skewers, and shrimp ball. This dish served with french fries, coleslaw, and 3 types of sauce which is tartar sauce, mayonnaise and the sour sweet sauce ( I'm not sure what sauce is that ;p ). The four of it was taste nice and fresh. But what i like the most is the shrimp ball. Crispy outside, but moist and savory inside. Yum! Besides their great and large portion of food, they also shares a very unique ordering system. As seen in the picture, when we want to order, we just lift the plate into red with the signage "Run Forrest Run", and the waitress will come to you to take your order. Very efficient we might say :).

 Fantastic atmosphere staff have energy enthusiasm and great sense of humours. good food a little expensive in bali terms. but... so enjoyed it that it's well worth the extra $$$!!! If you don't enjoy having a joke or fun don't bother if you like fun new experience it's a must do once at least. Had a good experience with their service and food earlier at The Curve, so we decided to have our lunch there. It's located outside of the Sunway Pyramid main entrance, so you will need to make your way out the shopping mall and it is on the left side as you exit. You will never miss it.

Favorite Dish: 

I love seafood especially the Shrimp New Orleans,so in other worlds i like the prawn dishes but here is some of the menu for you:

Did you know?

Bubba Gump Shrimp Co. also provided entertainment for kids and adults alike. They had the catch the mascot game and also trivia about the movie. So for those of you Die Hard Forrest Gump fans, brush up your skills and take this ultimate challange!

Address :

Bubba Gump Restaurant & Market
Jalan Kartika Plaza No.8X,
Komplek Pertokoan Kuta Centre, Blok A1 No. 1
Kuta, Bali 80361, Indonesia
+62 361 754028

Bubba Gump Shrimp : Bali

Bubba Gump Shrimp Co Kuta Bali
Bubba Gump Shrimp Co Kuta Bali
Bubba Gump Shrimp Co Kuta Bali
Bubba Gump Shrimp Co Kuta Bali
Bubba Gump Shrimp Co Kuta Bali
Bubba Gump Shrimp Co Kuta Bali
Bubba Gump Shrimp Co Kuta Bali
Bubba Gump Shrimp Co Kuta Bali
Bubba Gump Shrimp Co Kuta Bali
Bubba Gump Shrimp Co Kuta Bali
Bubba Gump Shrimp Co Kuta Bali
Bubba Gump Shrimp Co Kuta Bali
Bubba Gump Shrimp Co Kuta Bali
Bubba Gump Shrimp Co Kuta Bali
Bubba Gump Shrimp Co Kuta Bali
Bubba Gump Shrimp : Kuta Bali

Formosa Restaurant: Taiwanese Seafood Kuta Bali

Roxuai : Formosa Restaurant: Taiwanese Seafood Kuta Bali

Formosa is a Chinese restaurant in Kuta area. Their dishes are Taiwan style, its tast is plain and soft. Inside the restaurant, you can find more than 300 chairs around the tables. If you look for some place to eat with many of your freinds, Formosa is one of capacious restaurant in Bali. Have a nice meal with inexpensive price!

Formosa Restaurant is a large Taiwanese Seafood Restaurant that caters mostly to Asian Tourists with full board meals and since we were part of a private full packaged tour of Kintamani and Tampak Siring, we had our dinner here as it was near our hotel. the restaurant is large and is set like a typical large chinese restaurant setting and with a large selection of both seafood and regular taiwanese and hokkien style chinese dishes and a smattering of indoenesian dishes too.


Mon - Sun 10:00 am - 10:00 pm

Favorite Dish: 

since we were on a full board package, we had a set meal but there are many servings of assorted taiwanese food like the soup with tofu, stir fried chicken, fish in tausi sauce and more. Drinks are not included in the package and you can order drinks like juices or iced tea and softdinks and they start at 25,000 rupiah or more per order.

Info :

Address : Jl. Setia Budi No. 25 Kuta - Bali
No. Resevation: (0361) 756426-7 & No. Fax: (0361) 758573

Formosa Restaurant: Taiwanese Seafood Kuta Bali
Formosa Restaurant: Taiwanese Seafood Kuta Bali
Formosa Restaurant: Taiwanese Seafood Kuta Bali
Formosa Restaurant: Taiwanese Seafood Kuta Bali
Formosa Restaurant: Taiwanese Seafood Kuta Bali
Formosa Restaurant: Taiwanese Seafood Kuta Bali
Formosa Restaurant: Taiwanese Seafood Kuta Bali

B Couple - Bar N' Grill : Kuta Bali

Roxuai : B Couple - Bar N' Grill

Among the more popular restaurants cum open air bars along the busy JL Raya Kuta area near Discovery Mall and just in front of the Paradiso Hotel Bali is the large B Couple - Bar N' Grill : Kuta Bali, Chinese Restaurant and Bar. this open air restaurant also has live fish tanks of which you can choose you live seafood to order and then cooked according to your taste at high prices. but we went here not for seafood but to taste authentic Babi Guling (roast pig) and other Indonesian Specialties as they also offer this iconic dish of bali as it is not available in other restaurants in kuta. The large restaurant also has a bar and plays a live band too for free to guests starting at 9:00 pm as it is a party place too with a dancefloor located near the stage.

Kuta restaurant B Couple Bar n Grill is a hard to miss eatery boasting a massive street-front with a huge live seafood bar and open dining room with sports coverage on big screens and live music every night, right on Jalan Kartika Plaza en route to Waterbom, so it is super easy to find.


08.00 am – 02.00 am everyday

Favorite Dish:

They have a large selection of seafood (international styles) selection, both live and freshly caught and large selection of chinese dishes and Indonesian Dishes too. but we ordered the indonesian ones like my favorite, the sup buntut at 75,000 rupiah an order, the satay campur (mixed satay meats) at 70,000 rupiah an order and the babi guling sampler at 125,000 rupiah an order.

Icy cold beer, wine, affordable cocktails and juices of any kind make Kuta restaurant B Couple Bar n Grill a great spot to drop in for a refresher and a snack too. A great casual dining experience with the choice of seating with or without aircon all within a stroll from the beach, shopping and affordable accommodation right in the heart of Kuta.

Address :

Pertokoan Kuta Center 8 A
Jl. Dewi Sartika 8 X
Bali, Indonesia

Tel: (62 361) 761 414

Photos :

B Couple - Bar N' Grill : Kuta Bali

B Couple - Bar N' Grill : Kuta Bali
B Couple - Bar N' Grill : Kuta Bali

B Couple - Bar N' Grill : Kuta Bali
B Couple - Bar N' Grill : Kuta Bali
B Couple - Bar N' Grill : Kuta Bali
B Couple - Bar N' Grill : Kuta Bali
B Couple - Bar N' Grill : Kuta Bali
B Couple - Bar N' Grill : Kuta Baliali

Yin Yang : Chinese Restaurant in Kuta Bali

Looking for chinese restaurant in kuta? Try yin yang. the place is on jalan raya kuta, a big road and can be easily recognize because of it's beautiful lamp (at night). it's open from morning where you can have your breakfast then lunch until dinner. but you can have your dim sum all the time.

Favorite Dish: dim sum

Formosa Restaurant Kuta Bali

Roxuai : Formosa Restaurant Kuta Bali

Formosa Restaurant is a large Taiwanese Seafood Restaurant that caters mostly to Asian Tourists with full board meals and since we were part of a private full packaged tour of Kintamani and Tampak Siring, we had our dinner here as it was near our hotel. the restaurant is large and is set like a typical large chinese restaurant setting and with a large selection of both seafood and regular taiwanese and hokkien style chinese dishes and a smattering of indoenesian dishes too.

opens: Mon - Sun 10:00 am - 10:00 pm

Favorite Dish: since we were on a full board package, we had a set meal but there are many servings of assorted taiwanese food like the soup with tofu, stir fried chicken, fish in tausi sauce and more.

Drinks are not included in the package and you can order drinks like juices or iced tea and softdinks and they start at 25,000 rupiah or more per order.

Info :

Formosa Restaurant Kuta Bali
Jalan Setiabudi, Denpasar Barat, Denpasar, Bali 80118, Indonesia
Telepon:+62 361 756427

Formosa Restaurant Kuta Bali
Formosa Restaurant Kuta Bali

Formosa Restaurant Kuta Bali
Formosa Restaurant Kuta Bali

Formosa Restaurant Kuta Bali
Formosa Restaurant Kuta Bali

Formosa Restaurant Kuta Bali

Made's Warung Kuta Bali

Roxuai : Made's Warung Kuta Bali

Made's Warung is one of the most famous Indonesia / Balinese restaurants in Bali. With a restaurant in Kuta and this one in the heart of Seminyak. Serving Balinese food, Indonesian food, Thai food, Western food and Japanese food. With a nice indoor dining area with large fans or a nice courtyard with tables undercover. With free WiFi internet access. Ask your waiter or waitress for the password.

Made’s Warung is quite an institution in Bali. It was in fact one of the first casual dining cafe in Bali. The very first outlet was located on Jalan Raya Pantai Kuta, right off the road. It can get a bit noisy and chaotic. The Seminyak outlet is more protected from the road, with seating areas wrapping around an open courtyard. The main restaurant has a mezzanine level that overlooks the rest of the dining area.

Made's Warung Kuta Bali is easily noticed by a lot of funny statues in front of it.. inside, you can find not only restaurant, but also some famous Indonesian designers' stores.. the decoration of the restaurant itself is really nice.. it's an open-air restaurant with ethnic, wooden furniture.. it gave a feeling that we're in some old friend's house.. every night, there's a different show performed in the middle of the restaurant.. when I visited it, it was traditional Balinese dance performed by young children, which I think was  such a good way to introduce Bali's rich culture.. I love the open-air concept, though after a while, my feet was bitten by mosquitoes..

Info :

Made's Warung Kuta Bali
Br. Seminyak, Kuta, Bali 80361, Indonesia
+62 361 732130

Made's Warung Kuta Bali
Made's Warung Kuta Bali

The beautiful interior of the cafe.

Made's Warung Kuta Bali
Made's Warung Kuta Bali
Made's Warung Kuta Bali

Made's Warung Kuta Bali

Service here is casual but quite efficient. Once you are seated, your order is taken quickly and the food comes out within minutes. We ordered one of the famous Nasi Campur Special, and one Nasi Campur with half Gado Gado (Indonesian Salad). The Nasi Campur was really impressive - it came with more then 10 different small portions of Indonesian dishes - including beef rendang, smoked chicken, sambal prawns, etc.

The taste of everything was very good and authentic. This is a very satisfying way to sample many different dishes on one plate, and you can see why Nasi Campur is so popular in Indonesia and also Malaysia. The Gado Gado version had more vegetable dishes which were also really delicious.

Nasi Campur Special.

Made's Warung Kuta Bali

Made's Warung Kuta Bali

Nasi Campur with Half Gado Gado.

Made's Warung Kuta Bali

We also ordered a vegetable soup, a light broth which complemented the spiciness of the rice dishes.

Made's Warung Kuta Bali

And finished with some Banana Fritters, served with palm sugar. Some vanilla ice cream would have made it perfect.

Made's Warung Kuta Bali
Made's Warung Kuta Bali

Some may consider Made's Warung a bit touristy, and the pricing is definitely not hawker standard, but the quality of the food and the great ambiance makes it a really enjoyable lunch or dinner venue. Try it at least once. You may be hooked !

Made's Warung Kuta Bali

Roxuai : Made's Warung Kuta Bali

Made's Warung is located along Kuta Beach Road (Jalan Pantai Kuta).Made's Warung is a large venue with enough space to cater for large groups. I sat at a table next to the inner patio and had a carrot juice and some prawns crackers while waiting for my Nasi Campur special.  A Nasi Campur is not a specific dish. It simply means a meal of plain rice with different "sides". My Nasi Campur special included curried aubergines, green chicken curry, deep-fried tempeh, chili prawns, anchovies, cucumber salad, spinach, fried tofu, chili, curried fish, a sort of ratatouille and sambal. I may have forgotten some of the sides, but I remember how tasty and filling the whole dish was

This restaurant is famous along the area, and many fellows blogger had a comments about it!   Comprehensive menu of both loccal and western dishes. Nice ambience with that laid back Balinese feel as the ceiling fans rotate slowly and you see the different crowd in the restaurant. A favourite place to meet , have a meal and catch-up for the locals, expats and tourist.  

The Nasi Campur was serve in a big portion of beef, chicken, vegetables and other local special. The aroma of the rice was good! I like Curry chicken which was cook in a different method, I believe the local spices made the curry taste so Delicious!  Most of us cannot finish all, because all serve in big portion! 

Favorite Dish: 

Lumpia, Vegetable roll in a thin batter and deep fried. Nasi Goreng a one plate complete meal taste good at Made's too. They also serve yummy Pisang Goreng drizled with chocolate sauce and honey or you can request for a scoop of vanilla ice cream.

Info :

Br. Seminyak Kuta, Indonesia
+62 361 732130
Jl. Pantai Kuta
Banjar Pande Mas, Kuta, Indonesia
+62 361 755297

Made's Warung Kuta Bali
Made's Warung Kuta Bali
Made's Warung Kuta Bali

Made's Warung Kuta Bali

Made's Warung Kuta Bali

Made's Warung Kuta Bali

Made's Warung Kuta Bali

Made's Warung Kuta Bali

Made's Warung Kuta Bali
Made's Warung Kuta Bali

Made's Warung Kuta Bali

Made's Warung Kuta Bali

Made's Warung Kuta Bali

Made's Warung Kuta Bali
Made's Warung Kuta Bali