Showing posts with label Tips. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tips. Show all posts

12 Tips Hemat Menginap dan Memilih Hotel di Kuta Bali

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Kamu mau berlibur ke Bali, Kuta khususnya, tetapi bingung mau menginap dimana. Apalagi dengan dana terbatas, bagaimana caranya supaya kamu tetap merasa nyaman menikmati liburan selama di Bali tanpa perlu sport jantung dengan biaya menginap sana. Beberapa hotel di Bali memang terkenal dengan biaya yang lumayan tinggi. Tetapi tidak semuanya jadi serba mahal jika kamu bisa menyiasatinya dengan cara hemat. Jadi dengan tips cara hemat menginap di htel yang ada di Kuta Bali khususnya.

12 Tips Hemat Menginap dan Memilih Hotel di Kuta Bali
12 Tips Hemat Menginap dan Memilih Hotel di Kuta Bali

12 Tips Hemat Menginap dan Memilih Hotel di Kuta Bali

Bagai mana cara menyiasati biaya supaya lebih hemat selama menginap di hotel yang ada di Kuta bali? ikuti beberapa tips berikut ini :

Tips 1. Perhatikan lokasi hotel

Lokasi berhubungan erat dng tujuan perjalanan. Untuk urusan bisnis, pastikan otel tersebut punya koneksi internet, business centre, & akses cepat menuju bkamura seperti Gowin Hotel Kuta. Untuk para penggemar olahraga air, Balisani Padma Hotel berlokasi strategis di antara Pantai Kuta & Legian, serta punya kolam renang luas yang dilengkapi dng pool bar. Tarif kedua hotel tersebut hanya sekitar Rp 300.000 saja per malamnya.

Tips 2. Kebijakan parkir hotel

kalau kamu datang dng membawa kendaraan pribadi, tentu kamu menginginkan tempat untuk memarkir kendaraan kamu. Pastikan soal keamanannya & cari tahu apakah fasilitas tersebut gratis jadi bisa hemat atau dikenakan biaya ekstra.

kalau kamu datang bersama rombongan, cobalah Tirtha Inn Pondok Anyar di Jalan Kubu Anyar, Kuta. Hanya dng price Rp 190.000, hotel ini punya area parkir gratis luas & lokasi yang sangat dekat dng Discovery Shopping Mall, Waterbom, Paradiso Bowling and Billiard Center.

Tips 3. Fasilitas yang tersedia

kalau kamu senang bersantai bersama pasangan atau keluarga di hotel, ada baiknya kamu memperhatikan lebih seksama fasilitas yang ditawarkan. Pertimbangkan, apakah price yang diberikan sepadan dng kelengkapan fasilitas hotel. Hotel The Flora Kuta Bali memberikan fasilitas berupa coffee shop, restoran, bar, spa, laundry, kolam renang, & akses dekat ke Pantai Kuta dng price Rp 370.000 saja. Lumayan hemat kan?.

Tips 4. Berangkatnya pas low-season

Salah satu tips untuk memangkas anggaran hotl di Kuta adalah dng pergi ketika low-season. Low-season merupakan waktu di luar libur sekolah (Juni - Agustus) & libur nasional seperti Idul Fitri, Natal & Tahun Baru. Selain price akan jadi lebih murah, objek wisata juga engga terlalu ramai. Tentu ini adalah salah satu tips hemat menginap di hotel yang ada di Kuta bali.

Tips 5. Ambil penawaran Promo

Selalu buka mata untuk menbisakan penawaran promo. Bentuknya berbagai macam. Bisa berupa potongan price untuk pemesanan paket hotel & pesawat terbang, atau bisa juga dng menggunakan kartu kredit tertentu. supaya selalu tahu informasi promo terbaru, kamu bisa mendaftar sebagai anggota di situs perjalanan.

Tips 6. layanan mobil atau bus antar jemput

Beberapa hotel dan villa di Seminyak, Kuta dan Legian memiliki fasilitas antar jemput ke lokasi-lokasi tertentu dengan jadwal yang ditentukan pihak hotel. kamu pun jadi bisa menghemat uang transport. Lebih bagus lagi jika layanan ini sudah menjadi bagian dari hak kamu sebagai tamu yang menginap di hotel, bukan dikenai biaya terpisah.

Tips 7. Tempat makan

Jangan hanya makan di restoran hotel atau memesan layanan kamar! Supaya hemat pilih hotel yang lokasinya dekat dengan berbagai tempat makan sehingga kamu bisa berkeliling dan mencoba berbagai makanan, bahkan dengan harga yang bisa lebih hemat daripada di hotel tempat kamu menginap.

Tips 8. Dapet sarapan ga?

Ini adalah faktor yang cukup berpengaruh ketika ngobrolin mengenai anggaran. tiap hotel punya kebijakan beda-beda untuk paket sarapan. Tune Hotel Kuta misalnya, mereka engga menyediakan sarapan tapi menawarkan interior yang bersih & modern dng price di bawah Rp 150.000. dng price berkisar Rp 200.000 – Rp 250.000, hotel seperti Skamut Bali Legian memberikan pilihan paket dng sarapan pagi untuk dua orang.

Tips 9. Pilih hotel yang sesuai selera kamu

Seberapa important nuansa hoteel bagi kamu? Apakah kamu lebih menyukai hoteel bernuansa modern seperti Pop Hotel? Atau kamu menginginkan hoetel dng sentuhan budaya Bali seperti Billy Pendawa Homestay? Semua kembali kepada selera kamu.

Tips 10. Booking dulu

Kalau kamu sudah tahu dimana kamu akan menginap di Kuta Bali, supaya lebih hemat ada baiknya untuk boking dulu. Booking kamar hotel dari jauh hari sebelumnya, mengingat volume turis yang berkunjung ke pulau Bali meningkat tajam, maka disarankan untuk memesan kamar hotel beberapa minggu sebelumnya atau sebulan sebelumnya.

Tips 11. DP dulu

Jangan sampai kehabisan kamar, Untuk memastikan bahwa kamu akan benar-benar menginap di hotel yang kamu pesan, sebaiknya bayar dp dulu jadi sebagai jaminan kepastian, karena pemilik htel juga tidak mau rugi, apabila kamu kelak membatalkannya.

Tips 12. Memilih yang nyaman

Supaya hemat maka pesanlah hotel yang sudah kamu kenal atau paling tidak minta bantuan teman-teman yang ada di Bali untuk membooking kamar hotel untuk kamu. Ingat! keamanan adalah yang paling utama, jadi pastikan dulu keberadaan hotel itu benar adanya, untuk hal ini kamu bisa menanyakan teman atau browsing melalui internet.

Tips 13. Yang dekat tempat wisata

Supaya hemat untuk menginap. Cari hotel atau tempat menginap yang dekat dengan daerah wisata yang hendak kamu kunjungi, misalnya kamu hendak mengunjungi pantai Kuta, maka sebaiknya cari tempat menginap di dekat pantai Kuta agar menghemat biaya transportasi.

12 Tips Hemat Menginap dan Memilih Hotal di Kuta Bali
12 Tips Hemat Menginap dan Memilih Hotal di Kuta Bali

Yang murah di mana?

Daerah selatan yang tenar adalah kawasan Kuta. Di Kuta banyak tempat tempat yang hemat untuk menginap. Sesuaikan dengan bujet yang kamu miliki. Jika kamu mencari tempat menginap hemat di bawah Rp 300.000 per malam, kamu bisa mencarinya di kawasan sekitar Gang Poppies (1 dan 2), Jalan Three Brothers, Jalan Raya Tuban, Gang Puspfa Ayu, sampai Jalan Bakung Sari. Masuk ke gang-gang kecil dari jalan utama seperti Jalan Raya Kuta dan Jalan Raya Tuban, maka kamu akan menemukan hotell-hotel kecil ala guesthouse yang  murah. Beberapa malah seperti kos-kosan dengan harga bisa di bawah Rp 100.000.

Haruskah menginap di Kuta?

Jika kamu tidak terlalu senang dengan keramaian dan hingar bingar khas Kuta, kamu bisa pilih destinasi lain di Bali. Coba daerah Sanur, Jimbaran, dan Nusa Dua yang lebih tenang.  Ketiganya berdekatan dengan pantai. Hanya saja hotel-hotlel di Nusa Dua tergolong mahal karena berkonsep kawasan resor. kamu juga bisa memilih menginap di kawasan Ubud yang terkesan masih alami. Tapi tak ada pantai di kawasan ini. Hanya saja, Ubud berada di kabupaten Gianyar. Gianyar punya banyak obyek wisata yang menarik, seperti kebun binatang, taman safari, wisata budaya, gunung, sampai pantai. Pilihan lain adalah kawasan Lovina, Singaraja, Harga-harga di sini masih murah, baik hotell maupun makanan. Tapi jaraknya jauh dari bkamura, sekitar tiga jam.

Di timur Bali, daya tarik paling dominan adalah kawasan Candidasa di Karangasem dengan pantainya yang masih relatif tak ramai. Banyak tempat menginap murah maupun resor mahal di kawasan ini. Pilihan lain adalah Nusa Lembongan. Sementara Bali Barat, kamu bisa mencoba menginap di kawasan Canggu yang terkenal sebagai tempat selancar atau di sekitar Tanah Lot. Jika kamu penyuka gunung dan udara sejuk, kawasan Jatiluwih atau di seputar Gunung Batukaru bisa menjadi pilihan. Kawasan ini pun relatif masih sepi.

Tips barusan juga berguna untuk pemesanan hotel di mana saja, selain di Kuta tentunya. Selamat berlibur!.

source : berbagai sumber (:

30 Best Popular + Hidden Beaches in Bali 2

Legian beach

Legian Beach is probably the second most popular area with visitors after Kuta because of its close association with beach life and its parties. Legian Beach is probably the second most popular area with visitors after Kuta because of its close association with beach life and its parties. Indeed, one of Legian’s main attractions is its extravagant nightlife. Another attraction is the white sandy beach filled with tanned wannabe celebrities.
Legian Beach Bali

Tanah Lot 

Tanah Lot Beach is a beautiful beach with Hindu temple set on the rock and appointed as the famous tourist destinations in Bali.
Bali : 30 Best Hidden Beaches in Bali
Tana Lot Bali

Kudungu Beach

Kedungu Beach is a beautiful black sandy beach located in Tanah Lot Surfing Spot appointed as one of the best surfing points in Bali.

Nusa Lembongan Beach

Lembongan is a small and very pretty island, only 7 km away from the main island of Bali. It is well known for its tranquil sandy bays, which offer a great opportunity for a romantic getaway. This island has very little in common with Bali. It is dry and rocky, and there are no rice fields. Only cacti, snakes, and lizards are enjoying themselves here. Only a few plants can grow here, like corn, mango, and peanuts. Only hardy plants survive in this dry soil in the absence of spring water. The hanging bridge that connects Lembongan with the slightly smaller island Nusa Ceningan is on the southern side of the island.
Nusa Lembongan beach Bali

Tanjung Benoa Beach

Tanjung Benoa, like many other beachside destinations in Bali, used to be a fishing village and an old dock. The development of the peninsula has been very significant as most of the shore-side properties are now hotels, resorts and water sports operators. The remaining mangrove marsh still lies at the western side of the entrance. Tanjung Benoa is located 15 kilometres from the international airport but if you are already staying within the Nusa Dua cluster, it is just few steps away from the west gate.
Tanjung Benoa
Tanjung Benoa


Tulamben has become Bali's most famous diving area and therefore where you are most likely to meet internationally recognised underwater photographers and writers. Tulamben Bay, like the rest of Bali, is situated in the richest marine biogeographic zone in the world. Being on the north east coast, the bay receives very plankton-rich waters from the major ocean current that moves from the Pacific to the Indian Ocean. This, coupled with the fact that the three main dive sites provide totally different physical environments, mean that Tulamben contains a stunningly diverse underwater ecosystem.

Bhuana Beach

Bali Bhuana Beach is the perfect getaway with stunning ocean views and the ... for a serene quiet getaway to the island of gods, location in Amed Lipah Beach.
bhuana beach
Bhuana beach Bali

Lipah Beach

Lipah beach is the most developed beach in the area (although still very peaceful), located around 10km from Culik. There’s accommodation at Hidden Paradise and slightly after this, Coral View. Both places have large, well-furnished bungalows in lush gardens with pools next to the beach.

There are a couple of restaurants nearby, both with attached accommodation: Tiying Petung has plain tiled rooms with attached bathroom, while next door Wawa Weve, has slightly better verandas in front of the rooms. Both have similar inexpensive to moderately priced menus, offering the usual Indonesian and western food, in relaxed surroundings. Its about 100m to the beach from these places. There’s reasonable snorkeling just off the coast here and, for divers, Lipah Bay is the site of the wreck of a small freighter at 6-12m depth, which is now covered with coral, and other marine life. The reef nearby is rich and diverse.
Best Popular & Hidden Beaches in Bali
Lipah Beach Bali

Bias Putih Beach

It is one of Bali's most beautiful beaches. Located between Candidasa and Amlapura, the entrance to the beach road is well hidden, unless you receive specific instructions. A kilometer or so after the hamlet of Bugbug village you will see a small sign denoting "Virgin Beach".
bias putih
Bias Putih

Nyang Nyang Beach

This beach is one of the secrets of Bali. The narrow, winding busy street, going uphill and downhill, will take you to this beach located at Nusa Dua peninsula. While you are passing by, you can see grazing cows and goats, and there are villagers going about their daily life. After driving for a few kilometers, you will take an even smaller street on your left. You have to be careful not to miss it.

Then you will be going through the small forest. In that forest, filled with exotic flowers, hidden bungalows are built for those seeking to stay incognito and want complete relaxation. At the end of the field you will find a small restaurant with the pool and one of the best views on the whole island.
Best Popular & Hidden Beaches in Bali
Nyang Nyang Beach Bali

Balangan Beach

Hang loose with Bali's surf community at Balangan Beach.
When the neighboring Dreamland beach got taken over by bulldozers and chain resorts, the surfers drifted over to Balangan. The long stretch of white sand is flanked by rocky cliffs while the shore is lined by an assortment of warungs (local cafes) serving plates of indo mee and ice-cold Bintangs and cheap non-air conditioned huts.

The agenda at Balangan is simple: surf (if you can), go swimming when it is high tide, build intricate sandcastles -- the sand here is exceptional for doing so -- and laze about in a hammock watching the surfers, young and old, catch the waves.

Reef shoes are highly recommended as the beach has a sharp rocky base and some of it covered in slippery green moss. For the virgin surfers, there are surf schools and numerous freelance instructors who’ll be willing to take you out for a price. Which beach in Bali? From Kuta, take the Bypass Ngurah Rai towards Nusa Dua. Look for the Uluwatu turn off to the right after about 10 minutes, after which, keep your eyes peeled for signs that direct you to Balangan.

Best Popular & Hidden Beaches in Bali
Balangan Beach Bali

Geger Beach

You won't get pounded by the waves at Geger Beach. For sun seekers dismayed by some of Bali’s rougher waters, this is a beach you can actually swim in. Situated close to the Nusa Dua golf course, the sparkling green-blue water here remains relatively calm with gentle rolling waves. The sand is thick and soft, packed hard so you can play a game of volleyball or go for a leisurely beach run.

Go at the right time of the day and you’ll see seaweed farmers working between the area from Geger Cafe to Geger Temple. Another big plus? This is one of the few beaches where topless sunbathing is allowed Which beach in Bali? Located five minutes from the Nusa Dua golf course and next to the St Regis Nusa Dua resort.
Geger beach Best Popular & Hidden Beaches in Bali
Geger beach

Bias Tugal

Bias Tugal: Good luck tracking this spot down... here's a hint, it's close to Padang Bai. Referred to as Pantai Kecil (Little Beach), this spot is often deserted, except for the odd adventurous tourist and a couple of the warung vendors. Tucked away near Padang Bai, the beauty of this beach is that it is hidden, accessible only after a 500-meter trek down a rocky path.

What greets you at the end of your mini-hike is a glorious body of water in varying shades of blue and turquoise fringed by a strip of fine white sand and swaying coconut trees. The current here can be strong, for the non-experienced swimmers, make do with playing in the waves and soaking up the sun in relative solitude as you watch the boats entering and leaving Padang Bai for Lombok and the Gili Islands. Which beach in Bali? From the ferry terminal of Padang Bai, head east up the hill and keep walking till you come across an exposed bit of the bay.
Best Popular & Hidden Beaches in Bali
Bias Tunggal Beach Bali

Amed Beach

Next Best Hidden Beaches in Bali is Amed. Amed: A quieter, less touristy bit of Bali.  Situated about two hours drive from Ngurah Rai International Airport is Amed, where the sand is of the coarse black volcanic variety. Instead of surfers and surf boards out on the water, the beach is lined with traditional outrigger fishing boats.

Those who venture up to Amed are usually keen to get in some quality diving as there are a number of wrecks located at nearby Lipah Beach and Tulamben. For snorkelers, the coral and underwater life in Amed is abundant. While the prettiest bays are found at Jemeluk and Lipah, the whole stretch of coastline presents a different, more natural image of Bali where the locals' primary source of income lies in salt mining and fishing. When night falls, take a walk on the beach and look up to the sky bathed in stars.
Best Popular & Hidden Beaches in Bali
Amed Beach Bali

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