Music - The Invisible World One Fails to See

Roxuai @ Music - The invisible world one fails to see. Music - the thing which makes me happy, hyper and the person i am. Its the sweetest escape, a drug you can hold on happily forever. A smile just crops up when you hear something so beautiful. Music says the words we are too afraid to...

10 Easy Steps to Making Your Dreams Come True

About a year ago, I was waking up before dark every morning. I had a set of rituals that I knew would put me on course to the life of my dreams. The only problem was -- and this was a big one -- I was chasing the wrong dream. At the time, I was working at being a life coach, and I was thinking that...

How to Become a Millionaire by Age 30

Getting rich and becoming a millionaire is a taboo topic. Saying it can be done by the age of 30 seems like a fantasy. It shouldn’t be taboo and it is possible. At the age of 21, I got out of college, broke and in debt, and by the time I was 30, I was a millionaire. Here are the 10 steps that will guarantee you will become a millionaire by...

Inspirational Travel Quotes

If you have a passion in travel... or you have a desire to travel... or you are the traveler... Whatever you are, I present you these inspirational quotes. Then after that you can grab your backpack or luggage and start your own journey... And SEE THE WORLD!!! Just like what I did!...

The Secret Weapon For Better Focus

Are you looking for a more efficient way to organise your work-days? Try Time Blocking.  A few months back, I came across Cal Newport’s illuminating post on Time Blocking — a productivity “hack” that helps you to make the most of your work day by assigning very specific tasks to very specific...

No. 1 Skill to Get Ahead in Life

We're living in uncertain times. As average yearly incomes stagnate, the economy continues to sputter towards recovery, and we spend more and more time online, it feels natural to worry about the reality today's children will face when they enter adulthood. So how do we prepare them? What are the...


HOW TO PUT AWESOME POWER INTO YOUR LIFE. Achievers are believers: they believe in themselves and in life. Achievers are great dreamers (but not "airy-fairey stuff"). What dreams in life would you have, if you knew you could not possibly fail? What particular dream would make you happiest...

Crossfader: Remix Lagu Dengan Iphone

Apakah kamu suka mendengarkan musik remix atau memberikan efek pada sebuah lagu? Belajar menjadi DJ memerlukan waktu yang tidak sebentar, belum lagi peralatan yang harus kamu beli. Kalau kamu ingin iseng menjadi DJ dengan mudah, coba gunakan aplikasi Crossfader. Prinsip kerja Crossfader cukup mudah...