10 Hal Paling Seru Untuk Dilakukan di Kuta Bali

Roxuai @ 10 Hal Paling Seru Untuk Dilakukan di Kuta Bali.

Kira-kira apa sih hal paling seru dan menyenangkan yang dapat dilakukan di Kuta Bali? Jika kamu pernah berlibur ke Kuta Bali pasti kamu sudah mengetahui tempat-tempat favorit yang dapat kamu kunjungi selama berlibur di Kuta. Berikut ini aku akan mencoba membuat daftar hal-hal dan tempat menarik yang bisa dilakukan di Kuta Bali berdasarkan pengalamanku selama tinggal di sini. Ini dia 10 Hal Paling Seru Yang Dapat Dilakukan di Kuta Bali.

1. Surfing! 

Ya tentu saja ini adalah hal paling menyenangkan untuk dilakukan di Kuta Bali. Di Kuta ombaknya sangat ramah dan cocok untuk wisata surfing bagi pemula. Jika kalian tidak tahu bagaimana cara surfing, kalian dapat belajar surfing bersama jasa kursus surfing bagi pemula yang tersedia di Kuta, Seminyak, atau Canggu. Surfing dipantai adalah salah satu hal yang paling seru dan menyenangkan untuk dilakukan selama di Kuta Bali.

Surfing adalah salah satu hal paling seru untuk di lakukan di kuta bali
Surfing adalah salah satu hal paling seru untuk dilakukan di kuta bali

2. Menikmati Sunset. 

Entah mengapa bagiku melihat keindahan sunset adalah hal paling menyenangkan yang bisa dilakukan.di Kuta. View paling menarik bisa dilihat dari rooftop beachwalk atau dari rooftop pool Sheraton hotel Bali. Selain keindahan sunset kamu juga bisa menikmati minuman-minuman yang nikmat yang disajikan disana.

Menikmati Sunset adalah salah satu dari kegiatan yang paling seru untuk dilakukan di Kuta Bali
Menikmati Sunset adalah salah satu dari kegiatan yang paling seru untuk dilakukan di Kuta Bali

3.  Potato Head party all night long. 

Sangat seru dan menyenangkan menghabiskan malam d Potato Head Seminyak atau d Skygarden. Disini disamping suasana sangat menyenangkan tentu saja disertai musik yang sangat mengagumkan dari beberapa DJ terbaik dari seluruh dunia. Menggabiskan malam dengan bersenang-senang dibeberapa tempat hiburan d Kuta  juga merupakan hal yang tidak boleh untuk dilewatkan.

Menikmati malam di Potato head adalah salah satu kegiatan paling seru selama di Kuta Bali
Menikmati malam di Potato head adalah salah satu kegiatan paling seru selama di Kuta Bali

4. Menikmati pesona pantai dan minuman di Ku De Ta. 

Ku De Ta merupakan salah satu outdoor bar yang memiliki pemandangan laut yang tak terlupakan terutama saat matahari terbenam. Jangan pernah melewatkan untuk meluangkan waktu melihat keindahan pesona pantai disaat malam d Ku De Ta. Review tentang Ku De Ta bisa kamu baca disini : Menikmati Keindahan Malam d KuDeTa Bali.

Menikmati pesona pantai dan minuman di Ku de ta adalah salah satu hal paling seru di Kuta Bali
Menikmati pesona pantai dan minuman di Ku de ta adalah salah satu hal paling seru di Kuta Bali

5. Jalan-Jalan di Jl. Legian dan Kuta Square. 

Jalan Legian dan Kuta Square merupakan dua tempat yang tidak pernah sepi d Kuta. Disana kalian bisa wisata kuliner. Ada banyak makanan, minuman, dan kios-kios yang menjual segala sesuatu. Jangan lupa untuk pintar-pintar menawar saat berbelanja!.

Jalan-jalan di Kuta Square dan Jalan Legian adalah kegiata yang sangat seru untuk dilakukan di Kuta Bali
Jalan-jalan d Kuta Square dan Jalan Legian adalah kegiata yang sangat seru untuk dilakukan d Kuta Bali

6. Menikmati keindahan pantai Kuta di atas kuda

Tentu merupakan hal yang sangat menyenangkan untuk berjalan-jalan menyusuri pantai kuta saat matahari terbenam sambil menaiki kuda. Disamping kuda, ada juga onta yang disewakan disana. Tentu kalian tidak boleh melewatkan kesempatan ini. Menikmati sunset dengan menaiki kuda tentu bukanlah hal yang setiap saat bisa dilakukan. Selain pemandangan yang indah tentunya ada pengalaman sangat seru dan menyenangkan yang tidak bisa dilupakan.

Menikmati Keindahan pantai di atas kuda adalah kegiatan yang seru untuk dilakukan di Kuta Bali
Menikmati Keindahan pantai di atas kuda adalah kegiatan yang seru untuk dilakukan di Kuta Bali

7. Berenang dan bersantai di infinity pool. 

Salah satu hal yang paling menyenangkan untuk menikmati liburan dengan bersantai-santai disalah satu infinity pool d Kuta. Meskipun kamu tidak begitu suka untuk berenang, tidak ada salahnya bersantai disini sambil menunggu sunset. 

Berenang dan bersantai di infinity pool adalah aktivitas paling seru untuk di lakukan di Kuta Bali
Berenang dan bersantai diinfinity pool adalah aktivitas paling seru untuk dilakukan d Kuta Bali

8. Bersenang-senang di Waterbom

 waterpark terbaik d Kuta. Ada banyak waterslides yang bisa kalian pilih. Nikmati seru dan mendebarkan meluncur dari ketinggian waterbom d Kuta ini.

Bersenang senang di Waterbom
10 Hal Paling Seru Untuk Dilakukan di Kuta Bali - Bersenang senang di Waterbom

9. Bungy jumping! 

Tidak saja hal ini sangat seru dan mendebarkan, tetapi kalian juga akan dapat menikmati kemegahan Samudera Hindia, Kuta, dan Legian. Jangan takut karena hal ini sangat aman untuk dilakukan. Selain seru dan menyenangkan untuk dilakukan, hal ini juga bagus untuk terapi.

bungi Jumping
10 Hal Paling Seru Untuk Dilakukan di Kuta Bali - bungi Jumping

10. Naik Bali Slingshot

Rasakan bagaimana serunya ditembakan sampai 52 meter ke atas udara.

Bali sllingshot
10 Hal Paling Seru Untuk Dilakukan di Kuta Bali - Bali sllingshot

Nah itulah daftar 10 hal yang paling seru dan menyanangkan yang bisa dilakukan selama di Kuta Bali. Selain itu mungkin kamu juga ingin mengetahui tentang kegiatan seru apa yang bisa dilakukan selama berlibur ke pantai, bisa kamu baca di sini : 25 Aktivitas Paling Menyenangkan Saat di Pantai

Mungkin ada hal lain yang menurutmu juga seru dan menyenangkan? Silahkan berbagi melalui komentar di bawah. :).

10 Cara Paling Seru Menyenangkan Menikmati Liburan

Roxuai : Cara Paling Menyenangkan Untuk Menikmati Liburan

Liburan mungkin seru dan menyenangkan pada saat liburan tersebut berlangsung, tetapi hal itu tidak berlangsung setelah liburan tersebut selesai. Biasanya setelah liburan, bagi sebagian orang kebahagiaan cepat turun kembali ke tingkat dasar. Kebahagiaan pasca-liburan dipengaruhi oleh seberapa banyak dampak dari pengalaman  mereka selama liburan. Jika setelah berlibur tingkat stres malah bertambah, tentunya akan sangat disayangkan.

10 Cara Paling Menyenangkan Menikmati Liburan
10 Cara Paling  Seru dan Menyenangkan Menikmati Liburan

Jadi bagaimana kita dapat menikmati liburan,  menghilangkan stres, dan memiliki efek kebahagiaan yang lebih lama pasca liburan? Berikut adalah beberapa tips cara paling seru dan menyenangkan untuk menikmati liburan.

10 Cara Paling Menyenangkan Untuk Menikmati Liburan

100% Rileks

Satu-satunya cara berlibur yang akan mendatangkan kebahagiaan adalah total merasa "sangat santai" selama liburan. Jika kamu bepergian dengan anak-anak kecil, pertimbangkan untuk mengatur waktu sebaik-baiknya sehingga kamu memiliki waktu untuk benar-benar bersantai menikmati liburan kamu. Saran saya jika kamu ingin benar-benar berlibur, titipkan anak-anak kepada orang lain yang benar-benar kamu percaya sehingga kamu benar-benar bisa enjoy menikmati liburan yang rileks seru dan menyenangkan. Rileks adalah salah satu sara paling seru dan menyenangkan menikmati liburan

100% Cuek

Berhentilah memikirkan apa yang akan orang lain katakan tentang kamu. Berlibur adalah untuk cuek dan menjadi ratu atau raja bagi kamu sendiri. Tujuan berlibur adalah melarikan diri dari tekanan sosial yang selama ini kamu terima dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Jadilah cuek dan nikmati perjalanan wisata kamu. Meski sederhana cara cuek ini adalah salah satu kunci bagaimana liburan itu akan menjadi sangat seru dan menyenangkan.

Liburan yang Gue banget

Pikirkan tentang apa yang kamu sukai, bukan apa yang harus kamu lakukan. Karena liburan adalah untuk melakukan hal-hal yang kamu sukai seru dan menyenangkan. Bukan untuk melakukan kewajiban-kewajiban yang harus kamu lakukan. Pilihlah berlibur ke tempat yang sesuai dengan kepribadian kamu. Kebanyakan orang mengeluh pasca liburan adalah karena mereka tidak berlibur ketempat yang tidak sesuai dengan apa yang mereka harapkan. Cara berlibur sesuai kepribadian kamu adalah salah satu cara terbaik seru dan menyenangkan untuk menikmati liburan.

Jaga Stamina

Berlibur memang sangat seru dan menyenangkan, akan tetapi kamu tetap harus menjaga stamina dan kesehatan. Jangan sampai karena terlalu over excited kamu jatuh sakit dan liburannya jadi berantakan. Sering kali mereka yang mengeluh pasca liburan adalah karena kecapekan. Jadi luangkan waktu untuk beristirahat. Menjaga stamina adalah salah satu cara untuk menciptakan liburan yang seru dan menyenangkan

Cari Informasi

Tentu saja sangat penting untuk mencari tahu bagaimana keadaan tempat wisata yang akan dikunjungi. Pastikan disana tersedua apa saja yang kamu butuhkan seperti listrik, air bersih dan lain sebagainya. Jadi kalaupun tidak ada, maka kamu bisa mempersiapkannya. Dengan cara mengetahui dan menyiasati tempat yang menjadi tujuan berlibur akan menjadi libran kamu menjadi seru dan menyenangkan.

Rencanakan jadwal

Pastikan untuk merencanakan jadwal jauh-jauh hari sebelum pelaksanaan, seperti berapa lama liburannya atau akan kemana saja dan kapan waktunya. Jangan sampai berantakan karena jadwalnya tidak sesuai dengan apa yang kamu harapkan.Pintar-pintarlah untuk mengatur waktu untuk menyiasati padatnya jadwal . Liburan akan mengesankan jika kamu merencanakannya jauh-jauh hari. Hari-hari menuju liburan bisa menjadi bagian paling berharga dari liburan. Studi yang dilakukan di Belkamu menemukan, mereka yang punya rencana pergi menikmati rasa senang yang besar bahkan hingga delapan minggu sebelum berangkat. Dengan cara merencanakan jadwal secara baik maka  akan menjadi liburan kamu menjadi paling seru dan menyenangkan.

Siasati rute dan lokasi

Pilihlah tempat-tempat yang akan dituju untuk tidak saling berjauhan dan terjangkau oleh waktu yang ada. Jangan sampai waktu liburan kamu habis diperjalanan. Perhatikan juga rute perjalanan dengan tingkat kemacetan yang ada. Tentu akan menjadi sangat tidak seru dan tidak menyenangkan ketika liburaan kamu berantakan hanya karena terjebak macet di jalan. Dengan cara menyiasati rute dan lokasi tempat yang akan dituju maka  akan menjadi liburan kamu menjadi paling seru dan menyenangkan.

Lupakan masalah

Liburan kadang memberi banyak manfaat, alasan yang paling masuk akal adalah melarikan diri dari kepenatan pekerjaan, kuliah atau suasana kota yang membosankan. Atau beberapa orang meyakini bahwa dengan mengunjungi  tempat-tempat baru akan memberi banyak pelajaran yang tidak kita temui di ruang kelas atau dalam seminar-seminar sekalipun. Lupakan sejenak problem kehidupan sehari-hari dan nikmati liiburan kamu yang seru dan menyenangkan. Dengan cara melupakan masalahmu  maka  akan menjadi liburan kamu menjadi paling seru dan menyenangkan.

Hindari keramaian

Salah satu kemeriahan saat berwisata adalah belanja. Mal juga berlomba memberikan penawaran khusus jelang liburan. Suasana meriah ini memang punya daya tarik, tapi juga berpotensi menimbulkan stres apalagi jika kamu terjebak dalam kemacetan saat menuju atau kembali dari mall. Untuk menghindari ini kamu bisa menyiasatinya dengan belanja online. kamu tetap bisa mencari penawaran menarik lewat belanja online sambil bersantai saat liburan. Apalagi dalam era digital seperti saat ini, berbagai aplikasi belanja sudah tersedia dan sangat mudah digunakan, Dengan cara menghindari keramaian,  maka  akan menjadi liburan kamu menjadi paling seru dan menyenangkan.

Keluar dari zona nyaman

Saat libran, ternyata penting bagi kamu untuk melangkah keluar dari zona nyaman. Berleha-leha di pantai dengan minuman dingin mungkin dipkamung ideal untuk menghabiskan liburaan. Tubuh dan jiwa kamu akan mendapatkan lebih banyak manfaat dengan aktivitas yang tidak biasa. Coba rencanakan aktivitas yang beragam dan berbeda, misalnya belajar berselancar atau mencari tempat makan lokal yang makanannya belum pernah kamu coba. Jadilah cuek dan keluar dari zona nyaman kamu untuk menjadikan liburn kamu menjadi seru dan menyenangkan untuk dinikmati. Dengan cara keluar dari zona nyaman,  maka  akan menjadi liburan kamu menjadi paling seru dan menyenangkan.

Itulah 10 Cara paling seru dan menyenangkan untuk menikmati liburan. Mungkin kamu mempunyai ide atau tambahan bisa kamu sampaikan melalui komentar di bawah.

10 Cara Paling Menyenangkan Menikmati Liburan

10 Restoran Terbaik dan Favorit di Ubud Bali

Roxuai @ 10 Restoran Terbaik dan Favorit di Ubud Bali

Ubud telah dengan cepat menjadi salah satu tempat terbaik untuk wisata kuliner di Bali. Ubud menawarkan berbagai pilihan restoran, dari tempat-tempat yang murah yang menyajikan masakan lokal dengan rasa yang mengagumkan sampai restoran mewah dengan makanan-makanan yang menakjubkan. Selalu ada restoran baru setiap bulan, dan mungkin akan terus bertambah. Bukankah ini menjadi sangat menyenangkan begitu mudah mendapatkan restoran atau tempat makan favorit di Ubud Bali.

Masakan Bali biasanya sangat mengejutkan dan benar-benar lezat, tetapi di Ubud juga terdapat beberapa jenis makanan barat cepat saji  seperti pizza, pasta, tex-mex, bahkan ikan dan kentang goreng. Disana kita juga dengan mudah dapat menemukan kelezatan sate, babi, ikan panggang dan sayuran lokal yang semuanya disajikan dengan mengagumkan. Tentu menjadi hal yang sangat menyenangkan melakukan wisata kuliner di Ubud Bali.

10 Restoran Terbaik dan Favorit di Ubud Bali

Kira-kira dimana restoran atau tempat makan favorit di Ubud bali yang paling seru dan menyenangkan untuk di kunjungi?. Berikut akan aku coba kupas beberapa di antaranya.

#1. Warung Ibu Oka : Ubud Bali

Meski lokasinya agak terselip namun restoran ini adalah yang paling ramai dan salah satu restoran terbaik di Ubud Bali. Warung Ibu Oka shanty  adalah restoran lokal Ubud Bali yang dengan ajaib bisa menarik perhatian pecinta kuliner dari seluruh dunia. Menu utama yang terbaik dan paling favorit adalah Babi guling atau babi panggang, yeap this is it ^^", itulah yang membuat semua orang datang  ke sana untuk berpesta.

Restoran mulai buka sekitar jam 10:30 pagi.  Babi terbaik di restoran ini disajikan dalam potongan besar dalam mangkuk rotan dengan nasi, usus goreng, sayuran pedas dan tentu saja tidak boleh dilupakan cita rasa terbaik saus kas Ibu Oka. Daging babi luar biasa lezat adalah yang terbaik yang bisa kalian temui di Ubud Bali.

Warung Ibu Oka merupakan tempat terbaik dan paling favorit untuk dikunjungi di Ubud Bali. Warung Ibu Oka merupakan salah satu dari 10 Restoran Tempat Makan Favorit di Ubud Bali

Contact : Jalan Tegal, +62 (0)361 976435
Ibu Oka 10 Restoran Tempat Makan Favorit di Ubud Bali
10 Restoran Terbaik dan Favorit di Ubud Bali - Babi guling Ibu Oka Shanty

#2. Puteri Minang  : Ubud Bali

Menyajikan masakan Padang. Cocok untuk para muslim pencinta kuliner karena makanan yang disajikan halal, tanpa daging babi tentunya. Restoran ini tentu saja sangat populer di Bali. Puteri Minang memiliki  kualitas terbaik dan banyak pilihan masakan khas Padang yang cukup menggoda  untuk para petualang kuliner. Disana ada udang sambal, ikan kari, goreng belut, rendang pedas (sapi kelapa), ditambah belasan masakan vegetarian seperti terong , okra, nangka, tempe goreng dan lainnya. Putri Minanng merupakan salah satu tempat makan yang wajib untuk dikunjungi di Ubud Bali.

Restoran Puteri Minang merupakan tempat terbaik dan paling favorit untuk dikunjungi di Ubud Bali. Restoran Puteri Minang merupakan salah satu dari 10 Restoran Tempat Makan Favorit di Ubud Bali

Contact : Jalan Raya Ubud 77,+62 (0)361 975577
putri minang 10 Restoran Tempat Makan Favorit di Ubud Bali
10 Restoran Terbaik dan Favorit di Ubud Bali - Putri minang

#3. Bebek Bengil : Ubud Bali

Bebek bengil mungkin kalau diistilahkan dalam bahasa kerennya para bule adalah "Dirty Duck Diner". Sulit untuk membayangkan betapa indahnya restoran disana. Tempat santai untuk menikmati hidangan yang paling terkenal di Bali, bebek tutu (bebek asap). Seluruh menu disini hampir seluruhnya terbuat dari bebek. Ada  bebek goreng , bebek saus cabai, bebek nasi goreng . Khusus untuk bebek tutu, harus dipesan 24 jam sebelumnya, Munfkin karena lumayan lama proses pembuatannya.  Bebek disiram bumbu Bali dan dibungkus dengan daun sirih, perlahan-lahan diasapi selama satu hari. Biasanya disajikan dengan nasi, sate dan sayuran. Dsana terdapat sebuah bangunan restoran utama, tapi lebih menyenangkan untuk memesan salah satu pondoks bambu tradisional, disana kita bisa menikmati makanan sambil melihat hijaunya sawah. Bebek Bengil adalah tempat makan favorit yang tidak boleh untuk dilewatkan selama berada di Ubud.

Bebek Bengil merupakan tempat terbaik dan paling favorit untuk dikunjungi di Ubud Bali. Bebek Bengil merupakan salah satu dari 10 Restoran Tempat Makan Favorit di Ubud Bali

Contact : Jalan Hanoman, +62 361 975489
bebek bengil  10 Restoran Tempat Makan Favorit di Ubud Bali
10 Restoran Terbaik dan Favorit di Ubud Bali - Bebek bengil

#4. Lotus Cafe : Ubud Bali

Meskipun kafe Lotus telah membuka restoran diseluruh pulauBali, tentunya tidak dapat dibandingkan dengan yang ada dilokasi asli. Kafe ini dibuat pada tahun 1982 sebagai tempat pertemuan bohemian untuk para seniman lokal dan para backpackers. Harga tentu sudah naik secara signifikan sejak saat itu, tapi ini tetap menjadi salah satu tempat paling menyenangkan dan indah di Ubud untuk makan malam. Kafe terlihat diatas sebuah kolam teratai besar berbatasan dengan pohon-pohon berbunga tinggi, dan lebih dari itu adalah Pura Saraswati, yang pada malam hari menjadi hidup dengan pertunjukan tarian Bali.

Lotus Cafe merupakan tempat terbaik dan paling favorit untuk dikunjungi di Ubud Bali. Lotus Cafe merupakan salah satu dari 10 Restoran Tempat Makan Favorit di Ubud Bali

Contact :  Jalan Raya Ubud, +62 (0) 361 975660, lotus-restaurants.com
lotus cafe 10 Restoran Tempat Makan Favorit di Ubud Bali
10 Restoran Terbaik dan Favorit di Ubud Bali - Makanan di lotus cafe

#5. Ibu Rai : Ubud Bali

Meskipun restoran ini telah sekitar untuk waktu yang lama, masakan telah berubah selama bertahun-tahun, dan hari ini makan di Ibu Rai penuh kejutan, dengan hidangan yang berbaur Asia, Eropa dan Pasifik. Pada menu utama terdapat salad daging sapi kelapa Thailand pedas atau ayam bali dengan salad alpukad.Ada juga  udang tumis dengan bawang putih. Ini adalah salah tempat paling menyenangkan untuk dikunjungi selama berada di Ubud Bali.

Restoran Ibu Rai merupakan tempat terbaik dan paling favorit untuk dikunjungi di Ubud Bali. Restoran Ibu Rai merupakan salah satu dari 10 Restoran Tempat Makan Favorit di Ubud Bali

Monkey Forest Road, +62 (0)361 973472, iburai.com
Restoran favorit di ubud bali
10 Restoran Terbaik dan Favorit di Ubud  - Restoran Ibu Rai

#6. Warung Rai Pasti : Ubud Bali

Jika kesana cobalah untuk mendapatkan salah satu meja dibelakang warung. Disana terdapat pemandangan yang menakjubkan diatas sawah. Rai Pasti dulunya dikenal sebagai penjahit terbaik Ubud, dan dia telah berubah tempat menjadi sebuah kafe yang murah dan ceria. Ini adalah tempat untuk mencoba makanan klasik Bali yang sederhana, seperti soto ayam (mie kaldu ayam), pepes ikan (ikan dengan bumbu dikukus dalam daun pisang), dan tempe goreng (dengan saus sambal manis). Anda akan melihat babi guling pada menu juga Jangan lewatkan untuk mengunjungi tempat makan yang mengagumkan ini.

Warung Rai pasti merupakan tempat terbaik dan paling favorit untuk dikunjungi di Ubud Bali. Warung Rai Pasti merupakan salah satu dari 10 Restoran Tempat Makan Favorit di Ubud Bali

Monkey Forest Road, +62 (0) 361 970908
warung rai pasti 10 Restoran Tempat Makan Favorit di Ubud Bali
10 Restoran Terbaik dan Favorit di Ubud - Warung rai pasti

#7. Naughty Nuri's Warung and Grill : Ubud Bali

Mengemudi disepanjang Jalan Raya Ubud. Anda dapat melihat kepulan asap dan mencium aroma tak tertahankan barbekyu jauh sebelum tiba di  Naughty Nuri's Warung and Grill. Ini adalah tempat nongkrong favorit para expat yang ada di Bali. Menyajikan iga panggang domba dan babi terbaik dan ada juga tuna segar. BBQ di  Naughty Nuri's Warung and Grill adalah salah satu tempat makan yang tidak boleh dilewatkan saat di Ubud Bali.

Naughty Nuri's Warung and Grill merupakan tempat terbaik dan paling favorit untuk dikunjungi di Ubud Bali.  Naughty Nuri's Warung and Grill  merupakan salah satu dari 10 Restoran Tempat Makan Favorit di Ubud Bali

• Jalan Raya Sanggingan, tel: +62 (0) 361 977547
 BBQ di Naughty Nuri's Warung and Grill
10 Restoran Terbaik dan Favorit di Ubud  -  BBQ di Naughty Nuri's Warung and Grill

#8. Warung Nasi Betutu : Ubud Bali

Jika mengunjungi pasar Ubud maka semua yang pertama kali terlihat adalah tokodijalan utama yang menjual seni dan kerajinan Bali. Tapi turun diruang bawah adalah pasar kuliner yang akan memberikan petualangan menyenangkan bagi para pencinta kuliner. Tempat ini lumayan remang-remang, dengan  pengaturan sinar matahari yang sesekali menerobos masuk, dan selalu ada kerumunan pekerja pasar dan pembeli disekitar Wauring Nasi Be Tutu. Menu disini sedikit terbatas tapi sangat lezat. Ada bebek panggang sederhana, ayam dan babi sate disiram dengan saus kacang pedas, dan soto ayam.

Warung Nasi Betutu pasti merupakan tempat terbaik dan paling favorit untuk dikunjungi di Ubud Bali. Warung Nasi Betutu merupakan salah satu dari 10 Restoran Tempat Makan Favorit di Ubud Bali

Contact :  Pasar Ubud, Jalan Raya
ayam betutu makanan favorit di bali
10 Restoran Terbaik dan Favorit di Ubud Bali - Ayam Betutu

#9. Lamak : Ubud Bali

Lamak adalah restoran yang funky yang bisa Anda temukan di Bali,. Anda bisa duduk diluar ditaman tropis yang rimbun, memandang dapur terbuka yang ramai, atau dimeja romantis dilantai atas di salah satu dari beberapa ruang makan ber-AC. Menu sangat memikat dengan hidangan seperti roti manis dengan asparagus crusted, saus yang menyengat hati. Ayam dengan saus cranberry, dan seafood bakar khas Bali Lamak adalah salah satu tempat makan favorit untuk dikunjungi di Ubud

Lamak merupakan tempat terbaik dan paling favorit untuk dikunjungi di Ubud . Lamak merupakan salah satu dari 10 Restoran Tempat Makan Favorit di Ubud Bali

Contact :  Monkey Forest Road, +62 (0) 361 973482, lamakbali.com
Lamak ubud bali restoran favorit di Ubud
10 Restoran Terbaik dan Favorit di Ubud Bali - Lamak Ubud bali

#10. Mozaic : Ubud Bali

Disini pengunjung disajikan dengan beberapa pilihan yang menggoda untuk mencicipi menu yang selalu berubah setiap hari. Meski dari segi harga lumayan sedikit lebih tinggi dibanding lainnya di Ubud Bali tetapi pelayanan restoran ini memang sesuai dengan apa yang ditawarkan. Tidak mengecewakan jika Anda termasuk penggemar kuliner kelas tinggi. Masakan dari berbagai negara dengan nuansa mewah yang diberikan disana cocok dengan apa yang Anda harapkan. Mozaic menjadi penutup di 10 restoran tempat makan favorit di Ubud Bali.

Mozaic pasti merupakan tempat terbaik dan paling favorit untuk dikunjungi di Ubud Bali. Mozaic merupakan salah satu dari 10 Restoran Tempat Makan Favorit di Ubud

Contact :  Jalan Raya Sanggingan, tel: +62 (0) 361 975768, mozaic-bali.com

Mozaic tempat makan favorit di Ubud Bali
10 Restoran Terbaik dan Favorit di Ubud  - Mozaic

200 Lagu Cinta Barat Paling Romantis di Dunia Sepanjang Masa

200 Lagu Cinta Barat Paling Romantis di Dunia Sepanjang Masa

Roxuai @ 100 Lagu Cinta Barat Paling Romantis di Dunia Sepanjang Masa . Kali ini setelah lembur semaleman dan engga ada niat untuk bobok, maka dari pada boring ga ada yang di lakukan aku dengerin lagu-lagu "Everlasting love song" uhmm ya ga semuanya sih everlasting dan romantis ada yang mellow bikin retak kaca eh hati. Trus kepikiran kenapa engga coba aku bagikan saja ke blog list lagunya. Jadi 100 lagu cinta barat paling romantis di dunia sepanjang masa ini adalah berdasarkan lagu-lagu yang aku sukai ya, jadi akan bersifat relatif kan, karena lagu romantis itu adalah masalah selera. Jadi mohon maaf jika ada lagu cinta romantis yang kamu sukai tidak masuk di list ini.

Engga bisa dipungkiri mendengarkan lagu-lagu cinta yang romantis tentu sangat menyenangkan untuk menemani hari-hari kamu. Apa lagi jika kamu sedang jatuh cinta, pasti akan lebih menyenangkan ya rasanya hehe. Apakah kamu juga suka mendengarkan lagu-lagu cinta yang romantis ketika belajar atau bekerja? Wah sama dong seperti aku ahahaha. Tentu saja kita memerlukan suasana yang rileks, dan lagu-lagu cinta yang paling romantis ini sangat cocok untuk mendukung suasana rileks tersebut. Meski kadang saking menikmatinya malah engga jadi belajar deh trus bobok dengerin lagu-lagu cinta romantis ini ahahaha. Ya jangan di salahin lagunya dong. Ganti lagu yang semangat, rock gtu maybe hehe.

Kalau di tanya lagu cinta favoritku ... ini dia hehehe

Eric Martin - I Love The Way You Love Me

Nah setelah nyerocos engga jelas yang engga ada artinya maka langsung saja kita menuju ke list lagu-lagu cinta barat paling romantis di dunia sepanjang masa. Dan berikut ini adalah daftar listnya :

100 Lagu Cinta Barat Paling Romantis di Dunia Sepanjang Masa

1. Jessica simpson & nick lachey - a whole new world (4:14)
2. Ben Folds - The Luckiest (4:44)
3. David Archuleta - Touch My Hand (4:21)
4. Lionel Richie and Diana Ross - Endless Love (4:25)
5. Ronan Keating - When You Say Nothing At All (4:21)
6. Cyndi Lauper - Time After Time (1:00)
7. FF8 Theme - Eyes on Me (3:26)
8. Secondhand Serenade - Fall For You (3:05)
9. Lifehouse - You & Me (3:17)
10. The Goo Goo Dolls - Better Days (3:34)
11. James Blunt - Same Mistake (4:58)
12. Backstreet Boys - incomplete (4:02)
13. Ronan Keating - If Tomorrow Never Comes (3:38)
14. Elton John - Your Song (4:07)
15. Martina McBride - Valentine (3:13)
16. Ronan Keating - We Goth Tonight (3:41)
17. Bangles - Eternal Flame (3:55)
18. Vanessa Hudgens - Colors Of The Wind (3:58)
19. Backstreet Boys - Inconsolable (Promosquad) (3:52)
20. The Calling - Wherever You Will Go (3:28)
22. Savage Garden - Truly Madly Deeply (4:37)
23. My Chemical Romance - I Don't Love You (3:58)
24. エヴァンゲリオン - Fly me to the Moon (4:33)
25.  A Different Corner
26. Lion King SE - Can You Feel The Love Tonight (4:08)
27. Aladin Themes - A whole new world (2:40)
28. Ronan Keating - I Hope You Dance (3:38)
29. Savage Garden - I Knew I Loved You (4:10)
30. Lion King - Can You Feel the Love Tonight (2:57)
31. Keith Urban - Tonight I Wanna Cry (4:18)
32. Backstreet Boys - As Long As You Love Me (3:42)
33. Gordon Lightfoot - There Is Love (Wedding Song) (3:40)
34. Louis Armstrong - What a Wonderful World (3:29)
35. Trademark - Only Love (4:04)
36. The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus - Your Guardian Angel (5:21)
37. Jewel - Foolish Games
38. Mandy Moore - Its Gonna Be Love
39. Richard Marx Right - Hear Waiting for You
40. Michael Buble - Hold On
41. 3 Doors Down - Here Without You (3:58)
42. Snow Patrol - Chasing Cars (4:28)
43. Whitney houston-i will always love you
44. Marc anthony - you sang to me
45. ONE OKROCK Acoustic - Wherever you are
46. A whole new world
47. Alex band - last goodbye
48. Alex band - tonight
49. All For One - So Much In Love (3:31)
50. David Cook - Time Of My Life (3:34)
51. Anna nalick - breath (4:39)
52. James blunt - goodbye my lover
53. Baby Can I Hold You Tonight
54. backstreet boys - i need you tonight
55. backstreet boys - i'll never break your heart
56. backstreet boys - the one
57. Barry White - You're the first, the last, my eyerything
58. Beautiful Girl - Jose Mari Chan
59. Blink182 - I Miss You
60. boa - waiting
61. bon jovi  - always
62. bon jovi - thank you for loving me
63. Boys Like Girls - Thunder
64. boyz2men - Bended Knee
65. Boyzone - Picture Of You
66. The Brand New Heaviest - You've Got A Friend
67. Brian McKnight - Back At One
68. Brian McNight - Back To One
69. bring your home
70. Broken - Seether feat. amy lee
71. bryan adams - i'll be right here waiting
72. bryan adams - everything i do
73. Bryan Adams - Heaven
74. Bryan Adams - So Far So Good - 14 - Please Forgive Me
75. Enigma - I Love You I ll Kill You
76. Celine Dion - because you love me
77. Celine Dion - I'm Your Angel
78. Christina Aguilera w Ricky Martin - Nobody Wants To Be Lonely
79. Christy Carlson Romano - Colors of the Wind (From Pocahontas)
80. Vanessa Williams - Color of the wind
81. Vanessa Williams - Colors Of The Wind (4:19)
82. Conie Talbot - Some where over the rainbow (2:19)
83. Crush - David archuleta
85. Daniel Bedingfield - If You're Not The One
86. Dashboard Confessionals - Hands Down (Acoustic)
87. Dave Mathews Band - Crash Into Me
88. David Archuleta - A Little Too Not Over You
89. David Cook - Always Be My Baby (3:53)
90. Taylor Swift - Love Story (3:53)
91. Dear god - Avenged sevenfold
92. Depeche Mode - Somebody
93. Disney - Circle of Life (The Lion King)
94. Disney Mania (Ronan Keating) - Circle of Life
95. Dolly Parton - I Will Always Love You
96. DREAM-THEATER-Hollow Years
97. Dream Theater - The Silent Man
98. enrique iglesias - somebody's me
99. Enrique inglesias-hero
100. Eric Martin - Hero
101. Eric Martin - I love the way you love me
102. Eric Martin - I will always love you
103. Eric Martin - My heart will go on
104. Eric Martin - Time after time
105. Eric Martin 01 (4:28)
106. Eve 6 - Here's to the Night (3:45)
107. faith hill %26 tim mcgraw - it's your love (3:45)
108. fDOFF5aVZkhenTZX2NDX
109. file88
110. george benson - nothing's gonna change my love for you
111. George Michael Careless Whisper (www.dude-club.com)
112. Gin Blossoms - Allison Road
113. Gin Blossoms - Follow You Down
114. Gin Blossoms - Found Out About You
115. Gin Blossoms - Hey Jealousy
116. Gin Blossoms - Lost Horizons
117. Gin Blossoms - Until I Fall Away
118. Heaven (Candlelight version) - DJ Sammy
119. Hikaru Utada - First Love
120. Howie Day - Collide
121. ifinallyfoundsomeone
122. Jesse McCartney - When You Wish Upon a Star (From Pinocchio)
123. jim-brickman-valentine
124. Keith Urban - I Want To Be Your Everything
125. kelly clarkson - a moment like this
126. lifehouse - everything
127. Lifehouse- You And Me
128. Lifehouse - FromWhereYouAre
129. Audioslave - Like a Stone (4:54)
130. Rob Thomas - These small hours (3:47)
131. LMNT - A Whole New World (Aladdin)
132. longer
133. Luther Vandross - Dance With My Father
134. luther vandross mariah carey - endless love wedding songs
135. mandy moore feat. jonathan foreman - someday we'll know
136. Mario Vasquez- Gallery
137. Matt Nathanson-Come On Get Higher
138. Men In Black - Fly Me To The Moon
139. Michael Bolton - When A Man Loves A Woman
140. Moulin Rouge
141. Muse - Can t Take My Eyes Off You
142. ne yo closer www.5mp.eu
143. Ode to my family - The cranberries
144. owl city - vanilla twilight
145. perfect (4:37)
146. Phil Collins - Against All Odds (3:19)
147. phil collins - you'll be in my heart (4:18)
148. Phil Collins - Piste audio 10 (4:16)
149. Ray LaMontagne - Trouble (4:01)
150. ricky martin etc. - we are the world (5:50)
151. rob thomas - littlewonder (3:47)
152. ronan keating - iris (4:08)
153. ronan keating - time after time (3:46)
154. Ronan Keating - When You Say Nothing At All (4:14)
155. Ronan Keating Feat. Moira Bren - Fairytale Of New York (4:32)
156. Ronan Keating - Stay (4:36)
157. Ronan Keating & Vanessa Paradis - True Colours (Live 1995) (3:45)
158. Sarah McLachlan - Angel (Live with Emmilou Harris) (0:30)
159. sarah mclachlan - shania twain - i will remember you (4:46)
160. Savage Garden - I Knew I Love You (4:11)
161. Shania Twain - You're Still the One (1:24)
162. Shayne Ward - Breathless (3:47)
163. Shayne Ward - If That's OK With You (Original) (3:43)
164. Shayne Ward - Melt The Snow (3:47)
165. Billy Joel - She's Always A Woman (3:21)
166. Various Artists - If You're Not The One (3:41)
167. Jack Foreaker - Somewhere Over The Rainbow (5:47)
168. susan boyle (1:54)
169. The Brand New Heavies - You Are The Universe (4:13)
170. The Veronicas - Speechless (4:02)
171. Tim Buckley - Song To The Siren (1:11)
172. Sheryl Crow - I Shall Believe (0:30)
173. trisha yearwood - how do i live without you (4:03)
174. Vanessa Williams - Save The Best For Last (3:40)
175. Vertical Horizon - Best I Ever Had (Grey Sky Morning) (4:30)
176. Shania Twain - From This Moment (4:51)
177. white christmas - conie talbout (3:08)
178. With or without you (1:33)
179. You can - David archuleta (3:42)
180. Lenka - Live Like You're Dying (3:51)
181. 311 - Amber (3:28)
182. 311 - I'll Be Here Awhile Acoustic (3:31)
183. 311 - love song (3:24)
184. The Scene Aesthetic - Beauty In The Breakdown (3:17)
185. Billy Currington - Don't (3:57)
186. Bob Marley & the Wailers - Is This Love (3:51)
187. Bob Marley - Bob Marley - One Love (2:48)
188. Bob Marley - Three Little Birds (3:02)
189. Lauryn Hill & Bob Marley - Turn Your Lights Down Low (4:02)
190. Coldplay - Yellow (4:29)
191. Death Cab For Cutie - I Will Follow You Into The Dark (3:09)
192. Ingrid Michaelson - The Way I Am (2:12)
193. Taylor Swift - Invisible (3:25)
194. Adam Sandler - I Wanna Grow Old With You (3:20)
195. Jack Johnson - Better Together (3:27)
196. jah cure - longing for (3:51)
197. James Blunt - You're Beautiful (3:33)
198. Jason Marz - I'm Yours (3:40)
199. jason mraz - 0Interest
200. jason mraz - A Beautiful Mess
201. jason mraz - absolutelyzero
202. jason mraz - Butterfly
203. jason mraz - Childlike Wildlife
204. Jason Mraz - Curbside Prophet
205. jason mraz - detailsinthefabric
206. jason mraz - I'll do anything
207. Jason Mraz - If It Kills Me
208. jason mraz - im yours (from the casa nova sessions)
209. jason mraz - Live High
210. jason mraz - lucky (with colbie caillat)
211. jason mraz - Make It Mine
212. Jason mraz - no stopping us (acoustic)
213. jason mraz - Older Lover Undercover
214. Jason Mraz - One Love
215. jason mraz - only human
216. jason mraz - Only-Human
217. jason mraz - Sleeping To Dream
218. jason mraz - Song for A Friend
219. Jason Mraz - The Boy's Gone (4:15)
220. Jason Mraz - The Remedy(I Won¡¦t Worry) (4:13)
221. jason mraz - Try try try
222. Jason Mraz - Wordplay (3:06)
223. Jason Mraz - You and I Both (3:39)
224. Jason Mraz and Tristan Prettyman - Shy That Way (4:07)
225. Jason Mraz- The Remedy
226. Jason Mraz - Life is Wonderful.Mp3 (4:20)
227. John Mayer - Your Body is a Wonderland (live) (4:15)
228. José Antonio Casares González - Adelita (1:24)
229. Lenka - We Will Not Grow Old (3:22)
230. Michael Buble - Home (3:45)
231. Michael Bublé - Everything (3:31)
232. The Moldy Peaches - Anyone Else But You (2:58)
233. Counting Crows - Mr. Jones (4:32)
234. This Providence - My Beautiful Rescue (2:34)
235. Neil Young - Harvest Moon (5:06)
236. Various Artists - No Doubt-Underneath it all (1:00)
237. pepper - crazy love (2:56)
238. Pressure - Love And Affection (4:19)
239. rob thomas - ever the same (4:18)
240. santana - the game of love (4:12)
241. Sean Paul Ft Sasha - Im Still In Love With You Boy (3:40)
242. Sean Paul Ft Sasha - Im Still In Love With You Boy (Main) (3:40)
243. Never Shout Never! - She's Got Style (3:33)
244. Lenka - Knock Knock (3:40)
245. Taylor Swift - Our Song (3:24)
246. Tester feat. Munga - In My Arms (3:26)
247. The Cure - Lovesong (3:26)
248. The Impaled Peach - First Day of My Life (Bright Eyes) (3:01)
249. The Beu Sisters - Anytime You a Need a Friend (3:19)
250. The Calling - Our lives (3:50)

No Money to Start a Business? No Problem

No Money to Start a Business? No Problem

You might be limited to a strict budget when you want to start a business, but that doesn’t mean you don’t have any options. It is possible to start a business with very little money, if you have the right combination of skills, work ethic and marketing know-how.

According to Chris Guillebeau, author of The $100 Startup, “To succeed in a business project, especially one you’re excited about, it helps to think carefully about all the skills you have that could be helpful to others and particularly about the combination of those skills.”

Follow these simple guidelines to start a business when you have little to no money. Learn how to make money today.

1. Make something.

Yes, making something does take an initial cost in supplies, but oftentimes, these products can be sold for many times over their actual cost. What you decide to make is up to you, but there are several places you can sell your handmade options online:

Abe’s Market deals in natural and organic goods, such as lotions, candles, granola, and more.
Etsy is one of the largest online markets for almost anything homemade, from jewelry to wooden toys for kids. Bonanza is another growing handmade marketplace, similar to Etsy. According to PC World, it boasts over 10 million visits per month.

eBay is one of the biggest online ecommerce marketplaces in the world, and its streamlined store options, easy checkout through Paypal, and customizable listing options make it a great choice for selling items.
Many business owners sell their products on multiple platforms to get the most exposure possible. It is important, however, to make sure your inventory stays updated on all sites you have a storefront on. If you want to learn about more resources for selling homemade items, check out this Lifehacker post.

2. Resell something.

If you don’t want to make anything (or you don’t consider yourself a creative person), many business owners have grown large businesses just be reselling products that have already been made. This can be done through a variety of ways or channels:

Drop shipping: Set up an online store and partner with drop-shipping companies that will do all the order fulfillment for you. Online ecommerce platform Shopify has a great drop shipping guide, and Tim Ferriss does a good job of explaining drop shipping in his well-known book, The Four Hour Work Week.

Thrift stores and garage sales: If you know where to look, you can find items at thrift stores, antique shops, flea markets and garage sales and resell them online or in your local community for more than you purchased them for. One extremely successful example of this is Sophia Amoruso, the founder of Nasty Gal. Amoruso started buying and reselling vintage and unique fashion pieces on eBay, and her company has grown to a net income of $24 million in 2011 with over 200 employees. Her book, #GIRLBOSS, is in inspiring look into how she got started.

3. Sell your services.

One way to start a business with little to no startup capital is to sell your services, instead of a physical product. There’s a huge variety of services you can offer, depending on your background and interests.

Some will require advanced degrees, such as accounting, while others require little more than a working knowledge of how it’s done (such as babysitting, lawn mowing or personal assistance).

Because you are selling your services, you will need a branding plan to make sure your name and company gets in front of the people who may need the service. Some places that are free for promoting your services include Fiverr, Craigslist, Elance, Taskrabbit and Skillshare.

It’s also useful to have a website to show examples of your work, list your experience, and blog about your industry to draw visitors. If you want to learn more about branding and online marketing, check out Buffer’s social-media blog, Hubspot’s blog, Content Marketing Institute and CopyPress.

4. Barter to get what you need.

Unfortunately, it’s extremely hard to start a business without any type of funds at all. Even creating a freelance-writing business utilizing Elance and a free Wordpress or Wix website will still require a computer to work on as well as Internet. However, there are ways to get supplies you need for starting your business without money.

For instance, if you find yourself in need of a used laptop, try to barter for it. Build a new website for a used electronics supplier, or offer babysitting services to your neighbor for their old Macbook.

5. Utilize low-cost services.

As mentioned previously, you can use sites such as Fiverr or Elance to advertise your products and services on, but you can also use these platforms to build up your own company. For instance, many designers offer $5 to $25 logo designs (that come with free revisions). Sort by reviews and look at past examples to find a designer or service provider that matches your style.

This is a great way to get branding materials, printed items (Vistaprint and Zazzle are great places to buy personalized items), or other needed items without much cost. And for additional savings, be sure to look for coupon codes on sites such as RetailMeNot before checking out at any online retailer!

Starting a business requires ingenuity and a passion for what you are doing. Once you find yourself doing something you enjoy, you will be more likely to find ways to make it all come together.

source : entrepreneur.com

How to Transform Your Life in 6 Minutes a Day

How to Transform Your Life in 6 Minutes a Day
How to Transform Your Life in 6 Minutes a Day

Oh, you’re busy? Weird, I thought it was just me.

No matter where you are in life at this moment, there is at least one thing that you and I have in common: We want to improve our lives and ourselves. I’m not saying there’s anything wrong with us, but as human beings we’re born with a desire to continuously grow and improve. I believe it’s within all of us. Yet most people wake up each day and life pretty much stays the same.

If success and fulfillment were measured on a scale of 1 to 10, it’s safe to say that everyone would want to live every aspect of their lives at a Level 10.

Here’s the catch: To create the Level 10 life that you ultimately want, you must first dedicate time each day to becoming a Level 10 person who is capable of creating and sustaining that level of success.

But who has time for that, right? Luckily, there is a method to do it in as little as six minutes a day.

Enter the life SAVERS, a sequence that combines the six most effective personal development practices known to man. While someone could invest hours on these practices, it only takes one minute for each -- or six minutes total -- to see extraordinary results.

Just imagine if the first six minutes of every morning began like this:

Related: Press Snooze? You Lose.

Minute 1: S is for silence.

Instead of hitting the snooze button, and then rushing through your day feeling stressed and overwhelmed, invest your first minute in sitting in purposeful silence. Sit quietly, calm and peaceful and breathe deeply. Maybe you meditate. Center yourself and create an optimum state of mind that will lead you effectively through the rest of your day.

Maybe you say a prayer of gratitude and appreciate the moment. As you sit in silence, you quiet your mind, relax your body and allow your stress to melt away. You develop a deeper sense of clarity, purpose, and direction.

Minute 2: A is for Affirmations.

Pull out and read your page of affirmations -- written statements that remind you of your unlimited potential, your most important goals and the actions you must take today to achieve them. Reading over reminders of how capable you really are motivates you. Looking over which actions you must take, re-energizes you to focus on doing what’s necessary today to takeyour life to the next level.

Minute 3. V is for visualization.

Close your eyes and visualize what it will look like and feel like when you reach your goals. Seeing your ideal vision increases your belief that it’s possible and your desire to make it a reality.

Minute 4. E is for exercise.

Stand up and move your body for 60 seconds, long enough to increase the flow of blood and oxygen to your brain. You could easily do a minute of jumping jacks, push-ups, or sit-ups. The point is that you raise your heart rate, generate energy and increase your ability to be alert and focused.

Minute 5. R is for reading.

Grab the self-help book you’re currently reading and read one page, maybe two. Learn a new idea, something you can incorporate into your day, which will improve your results at work or in your relationships. Discover something new that you can use to think better, feel better and live better.

Minute 6. S is for scribing.

Pull out your journal and take one minute to write down something you’re grateful for, something you’re proud of and the top one to three results that you’re committed to creating that day. In doing so, you create the clarity and motivation that you need to take action.

Start today.

How would you feel if that’s how you used the first six minutes of each day? How would the quality of your day -- and your life -- improve? We can all agree that investing a minimum of six minutes into becoming the person that we need to be to create the lives we truly want is not only reasonable. It’s an absolute must.

source : entrepreneur.com

Lesson From Bill Gates | Meaningful Quotes

Lesson From Bill Gates | Meaningful Quotes

Lesson From Bill Gates | Meaningful Quotes 

“Don't compare yourself with anyone in this world...if you do so, you are insulting yourself.”

“The world won't care about your self-esteem. The world will expect you to accomplish something BEFORE you feel good about yourself.”

“I failed in some subjects in exam, but my friend passed in all. Now he is an engineer in Microsoft and I am the owner of Microsoft.”

“If you give people tools, and they use their natural abilities and their curiosity, they will develop things in ways that will surprise you very much beyond what you might have expected.”

“As we look ahead into the next century, leaders will be those who empower others.”

“Most people overestimate what they can do in one year and underestimate what they can do in ten years.”

"Do what you like and make it a business."

“Success is a lousy teacher.It seduces smart people into thinking they can't lose”

"If you can't make it good, at least make it look good.”

"Life is not fair, get used to it."

"Your most unhappy customers are your greatest source of learning."

"Patience is a key element of success."

"DOS is ugly and interferes with users' experience."

"Microsoft is not about greed. It's about innovation and fairness."

"People everywhere love Windows."

"Let's face it, the average computer user has the brain of a Spider Monkey."

"Success is a lousy teacher. It seduces smart people into thinking they can't lose."

"Intellectual property has the shelf life of a banana."

"It's fine to celebrate success but it is more important to heed the lessons of failure."

"As we look ahead into the next century, leaders will be those who empower others."

"If you think your teacher is tough, wait until you get a boss. He doesn't have tenure."

"We are not even close to finishing the basic dream of what the PC can be."

"We've got to put a lot of money into changing behavior."

"Microsoft has had clear competitors in the past. It’s a good thing we have museums to document that."

"Television is not real life. In real life people actually have to leave the coffee shop and go to jobs."

"I believe that if you show people the problems and you show them the solutions they will be moved to act."

"The best way to prepare to be a programmer is to write programs and to study great programs that other people have written."

"In this business, by the time you realize you're in trouble, it's too late to save yourself. Unless you're running scared all the time, you're gone."

"Whether it's Google or Apple or free software, we've got some fantastic competitors and it keeps us on our toes."

"Life is not divided into semesters. You don't get summers off and very few employers are interested in helping you, Find yourself."

"Like almost everyone who uses e-mail, I receive a ton of spa-m every day. Much of it offers to help me get out of debt or get rich quick. It would be funny if it weren't so exciting."

"Hey, I never told anyone to buy my stock! Besides, no one is less happy than I am with the performance of Microsoft stock! I've lost tens of billions of dollars this year-if you check, you'll see that that's more than most people make in a lifetime!"

"I have 100 billion dollars... You realize I could spend 3 million dollars a day, every day, for the next 100 years? And that's if I don't make another dime. Tell you what-I'll buy your right arm for a million dollars. I give you a million bucks, and I get to sever your arm right here."

"As you improve health in a society, population growth goes down. You know, I thought it was... before I learned about it, I thought it was paradoxical."

"At Microsoft there are lots of brilliant ideas but the image is that they all come from the top - I'm afraid that's not quite right."

"Capitalism is this wonderful thing that motivates people, it causes wonderful inventions to be done. But in this area of diseases of the world at large, it's really let us down."

"I actually thought that it would be a little confusing during the same period of your life to be in one meeting when you're trying to make money, and then go to another meeting where you're giving it away."

"I do think this next century, hopefully, will be about a more global view. Where you don't just think, yes my country is doing well, but you think about the world at large."

"I don't think there's anything unique about human intelligence. All the neurons in the brain that make up perceptions and emotions operate in a binary fashion."

"I have drifted away from thinking about these philanthropic things. And it was only as the wealth got large enough and Melinda and I had talked about the view that that wealth wasn't something that would be good to just pass to the children."

"I mean, if we said right now, there's somebody in the next room who's dying, let's all go save their life, you know, everybody would just get up immediately and go get involved in that."

"I think it's fair to say that personal computers have become the most empowering tool we've ever created. They're tools of communication, they're tools of creativity, and they can be shaped by their user."

"I'm sorry that we have to have a Washington presence. We thrived during our first 16 years without any of this. I never made a political visit to Washington and we had no people here. It wasn't on our radar screen. We were just making great software."

"In the decade ahead I can predict that we will provide over twice the productivity improvement that we provided in the '90s."

"Information technology and business are becoming inextricably interwoven. I don't think anybody can talk meaningfully about one without the talking about the other."

"Is the rich world aware of how four billion of the six billion live? If we were aware, we would want to help out, we'd want to get involved."

"It's been shown that most people download viruses unwittingly - they don't know they're doing it until it's too late. That's what I mean here. We're talking about protecting the consumer."

"Just in terms of allocation of time resources, religion is not very efficient. There's a lot more I could be doing on a Sunday morning."

"Oh, I think there are a lot of people who would be buying and selling online today that go up there and they get the information, but then when it comes time to type in their credit card they think twice because they're not sure about how that might get out and what that might mean for them."

"People always fear change. People feared electricity when it was invented, didn't they? People feared coal, they feared gas-powered engines... There will always be ignorance, and ignorance leads to fear. But with time, people will come to accept their silicon masters."

"Security is, I would say, our top priority because for all the exciting things you will be able to do with computers - organizing your lives, staying in touch with people, being creative - if we don't solve these security problems, then people will hold back."

"Since when has the world of computer software design been about what people want? This is a simple question of evolution. The day is quickly coming when every knee will bow down to a silicon fist, and you will all beg your binary gods for mercy."

"So we do software for watches, for phones, for TV sets, for cars. And some of these take a long time to catch on."

"Some people read off of their Palms and Pocket PCs, but the real immersible reading experience takes a full-screen device."

The browser space that we are in we have about 90 percent. Sure, Firefox has come along, and the press love the idea of that. Our commitment is to keep our browser that competes with Firefox to be the best browser - best in security, best in features.

The first rule of any technology used in a business is that automation applied to an efficient operation will magnify the efficiency. The second is that automation applied to an inefficient operation will magnify the inefficiency.

"The huge turnout for Live 8 here and around the world proves that thanks to the leadership from people like Tony Blair and Gordon Brown the world is beginning to demand more action on global health and poverty."

"The Internet will help achieve "friction free capitalism" by putting buyer and seller in direct contact and providing more information to both about each other."

"The reason you see open source there at all is because we came in and said or quotations, there should be a platform that's identical with millions and millions of machines."

"The two areas that are changing... are information technology and medical technology. Those are the things that the world will be very different 20 years from now than it is today."

"There are people who don't like capitalism, and people who don't like PCs. But there's no-one who likes the PC who doesn't like Microsoft."

"There are some things that we are always thinking about. For example, when will speech recognition be good enough for everybody to use that? And we have made a lot more progress this year on that. I think we will surprise people a bit on how well we will do on our speech recognition."

"There's always a tricky issue when you get into stolen material or pornography. The laws for online publishing the same as for print-based publishing, where if you're hosting certain types of things and somebody notifies you about that."

"What we're really after is simply that people acquire a legal license for Windows for each computer they own before they move on to Linux or Sun Solaris or BSD or OS/2 or whatever."

"When the PC was launched, people knew it was important."

"When you want to do your homework, fill out your tax return, or see all the choices for a trip you want to take, you need a full-size screen."

"Windows 2000 already contains features such as the human discipline component, where the PC can send an electric shock through the keyboard if the human does something that does not please Windows."

"The Internet will help achieve "friction free capitalism" by putting buyer and seller in direct contact and providing more information to both about each other."

"Paper is no longer a big part of my day. I get 90% of my news online, and when I go to a meeting and want to jot things down, I bring my Tablet PC. It's fully synchronized with my office machine so I have all the files I need."

"Microsoft has had its success by doing low-cost products and constantly improving those products and we've really redefined the IT industry to be something that's about a tool for individuals."

"We are always saying to ourself.. we have to innovate. We got to come up with that breakthrough. In fact, the way software works.. so long as you are using your existing software.. you don't pay us anything at all. So we're only paid for breakthroughs."

"It's pretty incredible to look back 30 years to when Microsoft was starting and realize how work has been transformed. We're finally getting close to what I call the digital work-style."

"There is a certain responsibility that accrued to me when I got to this unexpected position."

How to be Richard Branson? Why He's so successful?

Richard Branson founded his first business, Student magazine, after dropping out of high school at age 15.

He soon cofounded the Virgin record store, which then grew into a record label. After 10 years of great success, Branson left his business partners dumbfounded when he announced he wanted to branch into the airline industry.

Nearly 50 years later, Branson is the billionaire chair of the Virgin Group and has overseen approximately 500 companies, with his brand currently on somewhere between 200 and 300 of them.

It’s his remarkable passion, vision, and leadership qualities that make him an “exponential entrepreneur,” write serial tech entrepreneur and XPRIZE CEO Peter Diamandis and Flow Genome Project founder Steven Kotler in their new book, “Bold: How to Go Big, Create Wealth and Impact the World.”

Branson sits on the XPRIZE board, and Diamandis spoke with him for the book.

Drawing from Diamandis and Kotler’s insight and an interview Business Insider CEO Henry Blodget held with Branson last fall, we’ve broken down the key elements to Branson’s philosophy that has been behind the hundreds of businesses he’s either created or helped develop.

Be a “fun junkie.”

“Branson says to himself, ‘if I have fun doing this, I assume other people have fun doing this,’ so fun has become his filter for ‘should I go into it?’ and it’s a great filter,” Kotler says.

When he first told Virgin Music CEOs that he wanted to use a third of the company’s profits to start an airline because it would be “fun,” they weren’t amused. But Branson wasn’t being cheeky or trite. He’s been able to have such a successful, rich, and long career because he’s been enjoying himself.

“Fun is one of the most important — and underrated — ingredients in any successful venture. If you’re not having fun, then it’s probably time to call it quits and try something else,” he writes in his book “The Virgin Way: Everything I Know About Leadership.”

Protect the downside.

“Superficially, I think it looks like entrepreneurs have a high tolerance for risk,” Branson tells Diamandis in “Bold.” “But, having said that, one of the most important phrases in my life is ‘protect the downside.’”

Limiting possible losses before moving forward with a new business venture is a lesson his father taught him when he was 15, he writes in a LinkedIn post.

His dad would let him drop out of school to start a magazine, but only if he sold 4,000 pounds of advertising to cover printing and paper costs.

It’s a strategy he repeated in 1984 when he went into the airline business with Virgin Atlantic. He was only able to convince his business partners at Virgin Records to agree to the deal after he got Boeing to agree to take back Virgin’s one 747 jet after a year if the business wasn’t operating as planned.

Virgin Group
Richard Branson says being an avid note taker has helped him to improve customer experiences across his companies.

Diamandis and Kotler write that this strategy has allowed Branson to remain agile as an entrepreneur. Over the past five decades, Branson has, of course, experienced many failures, like Virgin Cola and Virgin Clothing.

But he “is quick to rapidly iterate his ideas, and quicker to shut down a failure,” Diamandis and Kotler write. “In total, while Branson is known to have started some five hundred companies, he has also shut down the two hundred of them that didn’t work.”

Be customer-centric.

“Unless you’re customer-centric, you might be able to create something wonderful, but you’re not going to survive,” Branson tells Diamandis. “It’s about getting every little detail right.”

Branson writes in “The Virgin Way” that even though it’s impossible to be hands-on with all of his companies, he will occasionally play customer, experiencing a Virgin service as a consumer would. It’s why he says he once called one of his company’s customer service lines and disguised his voice, demanding to be put on the phone with Richard Branson — his test worked, and he was connected to his assistant, who saw through his disguise.

He tells the story for a laugh, but also to communicate the fact that regardless of whether you’re running a startup or a massive conglomerate, you can’t lose touch with your customer.

Branson also says he used to regularly cold call Virgin Atlantic business-class customers to ask about their experience, and he writes down observations about his own experiences as a Virgin customer, such as when he noted that he and fellow Virgin America passengers didn’t want a hot towel offered to them on a scorching Las Vegas day. He took that bit to management and had the policy changed to having cold towels offered on hot days.


Branson may still kite-surf in his 60s, but he’s not superhuman. He’s constantly searching for new ways to expand the Virgin brand into “industries that are stuck or broken,” as Diamandis and Kotler say, assured that the people he’s surrounded himself with can make his ideas reality.

“The best bit of advice I think I can give to any manager of a company is find somebody better than yourself to do the day-to-day running,” Branson tells Business Insider. “And then free yourself up to think about the bigger picture. By freeing myself up, I’ve been able to dream big and move Virgin forward into lots of different areas. And it’s made for a fascinating life.”

source : businessinsider.com

50 Reasons to Start Your Own Business

50 Reasons to Start Your Own Business
50 Reasons to Start Your Own Business

Some people are destined to be entrepreneurs. From the time they get through school, or maybe even before that, they’re hungry to start a business and lead it to success, and they’ll stop at nothing to make that dream a reality.

For others, starting a business is a scary, intimidating notion. There are too many unknowns to take the plunge. But if you’re considering becoming an entrepreneur, don’t forget all the benefits that go along with it:

1. Flexibility. Work your own hours.

2. More spare time (eventually). Spend more time with your family and friends. But note: This is only applicable once your business is established and you have employees handling the majority of necessary responsibilities. Don’t expect to have more spare time until you reach this point. In fact, expect to have much less.

3. Call the shots. Nobody else is going to set the rules. You are.

4. Set your own deadlines. No more last-minute rushing unless you want to do it.

5. Sell how you want to sell. Online? In person? Inbound? Outbound? It’s your call.

6. Create your own environment. You can set the formality and culture of your organization.

7. Pursue your passion. You can do what makes you happy.

8. Create something from scratch. Watch your organization grow from start to finish.

9. Meet new people. Network with other entrepreneurs and professionals.

10. Build a team. You decide who to hire and bring into your company.

11. Create jobs. Improve the economy with new job opportunities.

12. Help people. Use products and services to improve people’s lives.

13. Become an expert. Learn the ropes of your industry through first-hand experience.

14. Invest in yourself. You take the risk, and you’ll gain the rewards.

15. Make more money. If you want a pay raise, you can give yourself one.

16. Financial independence. No one else is signing your paychecks.

17. Tax benefits. Write off your biggest expenses Note: while you do get to write off lots of expenses as an entrepreneur, beware the “self employment tax.”

18. New challenges every day. Find new ways to stimulate your mind.

19. Get exposed to new cultures. Discover new perspectives and approaches.

20. Discover new fields. Delve deeper into your industry.

21. Create an asset. Give yourself something sellable to hedge your bets.

22. Connect with your clients. Forge real, personal connections.

23. Delegate boring tasks. Don’t do anything you don’t want to.

24. You can stop working. Work you enjoy doing can’t be described as “work.”

25. The power to give. Have the power and flexibility to donate time or money to worthy causes.

26. Get involved in the community. Participate actively in your neighborhood and region.

27. Improve your industry. Push your industry forward with new innovations and ideas.

28. Get a mentor. Meet valuable, insightful mentors and learn from them.

29. Become a mentor. Take your own knowledge and experience, and mentor someone else.

30. Learn new skills. Branch out in new departments.

31. Attend new classes and seminars. Constantly refine your skillset and stay updated.

32. Have a big office. If you want the biggest office in your workplace, it’s yours.

33. Work from anywhere. Work from home, an office or a beach if you so choose.

34. Have the option for multiple ventures. Start another business when you’re done with this one.

35. Gain entrepreneurial experience. Being an entrepreneur makes you a better professional in almost any position.

36. Get recognized. Start earning name recognition and build a reputation.

37. Get things done faster. Set your own efficiency rates.

38. Build a personal brand. Take the time to develop your personal brand, and tie it into your business’s.

39. Get more creative. Create your own opportunities and your own solutions.

40. Inspire others. Serve as an example for other people to follow their dreams.

41. Reduce your commute. Find an office space closer to your home.

42. Have more job stability. Never worry about being laid off or fired.

43. Find pride and fulfillment. Finally start taking pride in the work you’re doing.

44. Reach your dreams. If you’ve ever dreamed of being wildly successful, this is your chance.

45. Learn to embrace failure. Even if you fail, you’ll walk away with new skills and more experience you never had before.

46. Have a great story to tell. It will be a fun story for your grandchildren one day, win or lose.

47. Leave something behind. Pass the business down to your children and grandchildren.

48. Change the world. It may seem like a lofty goal for you right now, but your business really could change the world.

49. Resources are plentiful. With the dominance of the Internet, it’s easier than ever to find resources you need, including startup capital, loans, grants and even mentors.

50. There’s nothing stopping you. What’s really keeping you from being an entrepreneur? Of course there are risks, but there’s nothing forcing you not to take them.

If you want to become an entrepreneur, there’s nothing really holding you back. Take the leap, and lead the company you’ve always wanted.

6 Lessons We Could Learn from Steve Jobs

6 Lessons We Could Learn from Steve Jobs
6 Lessons We Could Learn from Steve Jobs

6 Lessons We Could Learn from Steve Jobs

Tracking the achievements of Steve Jobs isn’t a difficult thing to do. They’re big, public and - especially in technology - remarkably long lasting. More tricky but, I think, more interesting, is eliciting from those achievements the lessons we could learn from him successes if we tried.

1. Style is Content

From the outset, Jobs and Apple believed in style: in fonts, in graphics, in industrial design and in marketing. It’s easy to under-estimate how eccentric this was at the time - and how eccentric it remains today. While most organizations believe that style is the exclusive purview of marketing, few achieve it even there. Most hardware and software remains remarkably clunky, ugly or simply derivative. (The Kindle is hideous; the Fire a pale imitation.) When I first started working in technology 15 years ago, style was dismissed as frivolous and that’s the status it still holds in most companies today. Anyone who imagines that Apple’s success derives entirely from what’s inside the box (and there are more than a few) has missed a very obvious point.

Conventional wisdom divides thinking into the left brain and the right brain. The left is all systematic, rational, linear while the right is more emotional and creative. What Jobs demonstrated was that success lies not in emphasizing one over the other but in bringing them together.

2. Patience Beats Speed

For all that Apple is known for fast product development, the truth is that Jobs was very good at waiting. After his return to Apple in 1997, when the company teetered on the brink of bankruptcy, he did what any smart CEO would do: slashed product lines (15 desktop models to 1) cut software and hardware engineers, eliminated peripherals, reduced inventory and retailers and moved most manufacturing offshore. There is nothing brilliant about this; it’s textbook stuff. But asked in 1998, by Richard Rummelt, what he was going to do next, in order to move Apple beyond its fragile niche position, Jobs had a gutsy answer: “I am going to wait for the next big thing.”

Wait? In a technology business? That took courage. Of course, once he’d figured out what the next big thing was, Jobs was methodical and patient - again - in putting in place everything he’d need to take advantage of the seismic shift in the environment when the U.S. market moved to broadband.

It’s also worth remembering that, during the three years he did this, he was remorselessly hammered by industry analysts not one of whom understood what he was up to.

3. Drama Trumps Romance

Jobs’s product launches were famed for their drama. But one thing they didn’t offer was romance. The products did what they said they’d do. Marketing commentary around them didn’t promise fantasies, illusions or daydreams. Apple promoted its products but didn’t hype them. This may seem a lackluster quality but it built trust. Apple said its products were easy to use not because (like many of its competitors) it hoped that was true, or because it was true for the PhD engineers who’d invented them, but because it was true. It seems peculiar to celebrate a company for truth in advertising but that’s one reason why Apple customers, once smitten, stayed loyal.

4. Nothing Beats a Good Mistake

Jobs’s career isn’t without its mis-steps. Losing control of Apple was the biggest and most obvious but there were plenty of minor slip ups along the way. The suicides at the Foxconn plant that manufactures iPhones was just one of these. But Jobs didn’t try to deny that they had taken place or that they mattered. He was swift to point out that Apple’s scrutiny of its suppliers was more rigorous than most - but he still moved quickly to understand what was going on and try to find remedies.

Every company makes mistakes. But, treated right, they can be treasure troves of learning. Moreover, people loved Jobs not because he didn’t make mistakes - but because he learned from them.

5. Technology Isn’t All About Youth

In the age of fast companies, built not to last, Apple offered ample proof that you can be innovative and cool after the age of 25. Experience, know how and skills counted for something. While the products were cool, they weren’t all built by pre-adolescents oblivious to the constraints and needs of normal human beings. That Jobs continued to be as innovative in his 50s as he had been in his 20s is something most companies should take time to consider at length.

6. Business Doesn’t Have to Be Bad

Earlier this week I was teaching a class of new MBA students. A strikingly international group, they came from Thailand, India, Korea, Colombia, Russia, Canada, Taiwan, China and the U.S. I asked them who their heroes were. As usual, the list included their parents, various heads of state and Nelson Mandela. But topping the list - regardless of age or nationality - was Steve Jobs. More than anyone else alive, he was the person who inspired their love of business and their desire to try their hands at it.

In an age where the streets are full of anger and violence at the havoc wreaked by one part of the business world, that there is such an inspirational figure as Jobs is important. We need smart men and women, young and old, to have high ambitions for the world of work, someone who believed passionately and articulated brilliantly how much good business can achieve. Now that Jobs is gone, who can fail to be concerned that no one else adequately represents his rich synthesis of intellect, imagination and passion?

The lessons we could learn from Steve Jobs aren’t all that remarkable. Many of them contain wisdom that we already know — we just don’t apply. Why not? Is it that we lack courage? Or is it that we find it hard to believe that tenets so simple can prove so effective? Surely that’s the moral of the Apple story: there is genius in simplicity. But simple is hard.